Everything we do
changes us
Everything we say
changes us
Every step we take
changes us
it is only
when we try too hard to change ourselves
nothing happens
The obscure writings of Ta-Meaut; indeterminate poet, ambiguous writer and amorphous philosopher.......... I don't live to write, I write to live...
Friday, July 20, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Pillowbook "hate is just another word for jealousy"
There is someone I wish
really ill upon. I hate her. I truly hate her. It is the strongest
negative feeling I have ever had, for I am not by nature, prone to
hate. Dislike yes, annoyance most likely, but not true hate.
She is a pampered
princess, cared for by all, loved by all. The greatest diva have ever
When I first met her I
was so happy, for I thought that for the first time in my life I
would have a true sister, someone to share everything with, someone
that accepts all of you and gives all of herself back. She was sweet,
innocent and caring and really gave me the feeling that she wanted to
meet me halfway. So despite the fear I had, I opened my heart and
showed her who I am and she...threw it right back in my face.
The backlash was
horrendous. I was completely defenceless for I had taken down all my
mental walls. I just sat there all numb, distantly listening to her
raving about me being so mean to her, saying mean things and just
being generally mean. It took me a long time to understand what she
was saying and when I did I almost started laughing for it was so
ridiculous, or at least I thought so.
She was upset about me
making a comment on her dessert on evening. She had been eating a
cake that seemed very good and when she had finished I said "Oh,
that must have been a very good cake because you ate it so quickly!"
- for me it meant that she had been enjoying it, for her it implied
that she was a fat pig and I was pointing it out.
Then I had tried to
flirt openly with her boyfriend, standing very close to him and
whispering in his ear. In fact I had been standing not very close at
all and we had been talking about her parents house, a subject I find
very dry and not flirty at all. The fact that I was madly in love
with her brother was of no consequence to her, just the fact that I
had talked to her boyfriend was enough proof of my viciousness.
Then I had openly
disagreed with her on a matter of art, I n which she deems herself an
expert. We had been discussing the placement of a staircase in a
medieval house and after a rather long and tedious ramble of fancy
words from her that, I thought, really didn’t mean anything I just
said that maybe they just placed the staircase there because they
needed to walk up and down at this very spot (I thought it was a
logical explanation.).
The list could go on
forever if I mentioned all the things I had "tormented" her with, but
the end results would be the same.
I hate her. I wish her
ill in life, and I cannot hide it anymore. Every time I hear
something is going bad for her I smile, every time I hear that she is
in over her head I am holding my thumbs for something to go wrong.
Yet it never does, for she is born lucky and pampered and cushioned.
Then one day I realised
that I do not really hate her, I hate what she stands for -
everything I have never had nor can ever have...and the word for that
is jealousy.
I am jealous of her
being so glowingly healthy, while I am slowly wasting away in an
incurable disease.
I am jealous of her
having lots of money that she has never had to work a day for, wile
all I have is huge debts after working several jobs at the same time
for a long time.
I am jealous f her
having a family that has always been there supporting her no matter
what she wants to do, while my family couldn't care less if I was
dead or alive.
I am jealous of her
always having good luck, while I am constantly overwhelmed by bad
I am jealous of how
people adore her at first sight no matter how badly she behaves,
while they hate me even before they met me.
I am jealous of her
long black hair and petite figure, while I am dull and flat
I am jealous of her
artistic skills that seems to come so effortlessly, while I have none
despite my many years of trying.
I am jealous of her
innocence in not understanding how much she hurts people, while I am
too aware for my own good.
...but most of all I am
jealous of how everyone came to her defence when she backstabbed me
in the most cruellest way possible.
She has made me lose
some of my faith in humans.
My jealousy of her has
become hate because she makes me in to a person I do not want to be.
I hate the me that is jealous of her.
I cannot escape it, for
I am not strong enough, yet, but I have decided to try hard, to fight
this feeling, this jealousy and maybe one day I wile be able to stand
next to her and not wish that the roof would cave in on her and crush
her to a pulp before my feet.
but not yet...
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Poem "To my only one"
I saw this beautiful poem from Knerrir:
To my one truest
When a thousand times repeated
To the one truest
Still means
and found myself inspired to write a mirror-poem to it
To my one truest
When a thousand times repeated
To the one truest
Still means
and found myself inspired to write a mirror-poem to it
To my only one
Spoken once
To the only one
Will keep the truest meaning of
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Pillowbook "that feeling you do not want to name"
Whenever my mother writes to me she always ends her letters with "how can you go on like that.." or "can you really work in those conditions..", "you won't be able to do that will you?" and so on and so forth. (Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with my excellent work that I love, but with the fact that I have a medical condition that makes it harder for me to do what everyone else takes for granted...)
The words are clear, she is worried about me and wants what is best for me, as any mother would.
Yet, I cannot shake of this feeling that what she really says is "fail as soon as possible so I don't have to think about it...".
I am sure many would disagree with me and say "of course she wouldn't want that" but then again, I know things about my mother that they don't, and it is this knowledge that makes me hear things that she doesn't say out loud.
I try not to let it get to me, but in all honesty, it would be wonderful to instead hear her say "You are great fighting like that, we are right behind you cheering you on!" instead of "just give up".
but then again, she has never cheered me on in anything else either and that hasn't stopped me from travelling the world, getting my specific education and a job I love.
Still, just once, I would be wonderful to hear my mother praise me. Just once.
The words are clear, she is worried about me and wants what is best for me, as any mother would.
Yet, I cannot shake of this feeling that what she really says is "fail as soon as possible so I don't have to think about it...".
I am sure many would disagree with me and say "of course she wouldn't want that" but then again, I know things about my mother that they don't, and it is this knowledge that makes me hear things that she doesn't say out loud.
I try not to let it get to me, but in all honesty, it would be wonderful to instead hear her say "You are great fighting like that, we are right behind you cheering you on!" instead of "just give up".
but then again, she has never cheered me on in anything else either and that hasn't stopped me from travelling the world, getting my specific education and a job I love.
Still, just once, I would be wonderful to hear my mother praise me. Just once.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Gundam Wing fanfiction in "Recommended Reading"
I am slowy getting back to my favourite OTP HeeroXDuo from "Gundam Wing" - some years ago I was mad about this couple and I realised the other day that this obsessions has never left, just shifted. There is just something very compelling about a violent, unfeeling guy coupling with a loud, brash guy with super-long hair - ah, the angst, the blood, the smut...
There was a period when I was on "Gundam Wing Addiction" every day reading something, yet I have never tried to write something myself on this couple - maybe because there are so much written already and its sooooo frigging good, like D. C. Logan.
I just love these fics from D. C Logan even though they are pretty mellow and non-smutty, the language is beautiful and the stories compelling. I feel like a better author just reading them.
Highly recommended!
Man, I miss anime like this, were the mere opening song makes you go into bliss and nostalgia...
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Pillowbook "are you bored yet? "
I had a visitor as I was lying in in my hospital bed hooked up to a breathing machine, two IV's in my arm and a nose tube for feeding, who suddenly asked me:
"Aren't you bored lying here and having nothing to do?"
I didn't have anything nice to say because all that comes out is: You wouldn't understand.
Boring is something healthy people do. If you are really, really sick you don't get bored. Because every cell, every fiber in your body is working so hard to keep you alive, focused only on one thing: survival.
Asking a mortally ill person if they are bored is like asking the guy who fought a grizzly, got his arm ripped off and then stumbled through the forest for days in search of help: "Wasn't it boring to walk that distant, there was nothing but forest to see?"
So next time you visit someone very sick, instead of stupid questions, hold their hand and tell them everything about the world outside. Tell them of things you have done and people you have met, or even better how much you like them and wait for them to get better so you can together go and do all these things.
but most of all...just hold their hand...
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Poem "stop if you can"
the Earth kept moving
and I too
trying to keep pace with it
ran in the opposite direction
only to discover
I moved faster
than I wished
Thursday, May 10, 2012
My "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" fics hosted on Tumblr
Gosh, I am so hot even Gu Yong Ha gives me approval!
Pic from fyeahsongjoongki
Not only are my "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfics hosted on DongSooSlashYeoUn but now my "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" fics are ALSO hosted, on MySlashWorld!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Poem "shine through"
Everyone has a Flame
of infinite potential
and beauty
Everyone is a Candle
precious beyond belief
in this large cavern of dark
we inhabit
Everyone possess a Light
which illuminates
what once was gloom
and dark
and dread
maybe because
our heart glows outwards
and not inwards
it is possible for us to see others light
making us believe
all others are so bright
when we are sure we are not
maybe because
our heart glows outwards
and not inwards
it is impossible for us to see our own light
flickering and dancing
with singular grace
and abandonment
except in the reflections
of others
maybe that is the nature of light
and our
for Maria, who inspired me
Friday, May 4, 2012
Poem "...comes around"
I bend
I surrender
There is nothing more of me to give
There is nothing more that you can take
I yield
My defeat
I have given all I can
You have taken all you want
Just know,
bamboo folds and yields and molds
then whips right back
with brutal force
I regret nothing at all
and all you have taken
will come back to me
just like the fallen leaves
of autumn
gives a new aspiring spring
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Poem "silently, I scream - violently, I dream"
your precious words are a thin, thin string
wrapped around me
so tightly
it tears at my edges
bleeding me raw
they are all that keep me together
for I am broken and bent
like a too old puppet
in a shadow play of life
Friday, April 27, 2012
Poem "stop asking, for you won't like the answer "
No, I am not fine
I might look alive, I might move and talk
like usual
for it doesn't show on the outside
but the bony hand of Death is still firmly clasped around my wrist
lightly tugging, tugging, tugging
every day reminding me
that I have not yet escaped
nor will I ever
for bruises formed by the hand of Death
are internal
and everlasting
Sunday, April 22, 2012
New mindblowingly smutty "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfic "Flesh"
So I went somewhat (some say more...but I resent that...) crazy from lack of oxygen to my brain and other certain things and then I heard (repeatedly over and over again until my ears bled...) Anaapenas fanmix for DongSooslashYeoUn with "Flesh" and here are the results; a spankingly hardcore fanfic with our beloved OTP Dong Soo/Yeo Un in situations we would all like to see them in, often...and repeatedly...over and over again...(blood spurting out of every pore...).
So all my perverted minions, go read, or whatever lascivious thing you would like to do (header is below for warning and link goes to my AO3 for reading as usual) :
(Un-ah! After we chop these dudes into pieces and bathe in their blood, how 'bout a "snack" at my place? I have peanut butter...)
Picture from PopV
Title: Flesh
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Flesh – Simon Curtis
Spoilers: -
Time frame: Ep. 28 (right after the great battle at the palace where Un-ah and Dong Soo fought together)
Summary: Blood and fear are powerful aphrodisiacs, even more so when two of the most skilled swordsmen in Joseon come shoulder to shoulder in an epic battle to win the palace, and rivers of blood and bodies pool around them. Who wins in the end? And what spoils of war will be theirs after the blood is licked off their “swords”.
Excerpt: “Your tattered clothes in pieces around you, your hair clinging to your sweaty temples, a patch of dried blood on your cheek, your lips kiss-swollen as you watch me under half closed lids and I know what I want.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~5100
Rating: NC17 (hardcore smut, fluff and copious amounts of blood and other bodily liquids)
Warning: Just a sad excuse to have violent, blood tasting sex but I wanted this so badly and I regret nothing...I am living solely on the idea that Un-ah (after he leaves the fight) sits with his stone-face in front of the queen pretending not to have been just violently had by Dong Soo in all ways possible...
Other: Text in “bold” is original dialogue from series.
Thanks: Anaapenas who had ”Flesh” in her DSslashYW fanmix as alternative music to ”Euphoria” and I thought why not do something ”creative” with it since it is just begging for it.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Pillow Book "transitions"
The other day I was reading a "sermon" from a homophobic about the usual complaints we all know so well. Such as gay people infect others with their sickness and how disgusting same-sex sex is and so on and so forth and while I read it, it struck me so hard that just because a man has sex with another man, or a woman with another woman, it does NOT make them gay.
The physical act in itself, that every hater seem so obsessed about, is absolutely devoid of the feelings that makes you homosexual.
Being homosexual is the physical and mental attraction you have for the same sex, not the sexual act in itself.
Funnily enough, the haters never complain about two women making out in a porno movie with one guy watching, even though logically, this is a homosexual act too.
But I guess that if haters were logical there would be no haters...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Poem "something I have learnt is This"
no matter how Great the pain
how Deep the sorrow
or how important it is to You
the World will keep revolving
around its axis
caring Nothing for your troubles
only you
are standing Still
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Poem "not the same"
is soothing bliss
a tantalising dream
a sweet repose
bandages your wounds
holds you when you despair
and kiss your cheek when you cry
you need to violently cling to
is not Hope at all
but only
Friday, April 13, 2012
New Sungkyunkwan Scandal fanfiction "Live Forever II: One" and "Live Forever III: Still Alive"
To Celebrate my returning from Death after a rather long and horrible hospital visit, and my 200 post in this blog, I am hereby presenting the sequel to my Sungkyunkwan Scandal fanfic "Live Forever".
I got some good comments on "Live Forever" due to the extremely sad and tortured nature of the topic, that spurred me to write a continuation which has resulted in two?! fanfics (links go to my AO3 for reading)
Headers are below, so you get an idea of the rating, after the fantabulous cover image that my ubercute fan Pandoraylam has made for "Live Forever".
Title: Live Forever II: One
Series: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Soundtrack: One – Epik High
Spoilers: -
Time frame: -
Summary: What happens after you have given that one thing, only you can give? How does someone receive such a precious gift without changing altogether? And why is it that only when something has been taken from us do we learn to truly appreciate it?
Excerpt: “ Jae Shin's hand went back to the arrow. This arrow had had Jae Shins name on it until Yong Ha had stepped between and changed certain fate ...and how he wished that Yong Ha wouldn't have done that.”
Pairings: Moon Jae Shin/Gu Yong Ha
Word count: ~8700
Rating: T (angst, fluff)
Other: This is the sequel to “Live Forever”, which I hadn't planned to write in the beginning.
Thanks: To YoonHee, and Anonymous, who thought is was just too sad to to have “Live Forever” end like it did and provided me with the outline.
Series: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Soundtrack: One – Epik High
Spoilers: -
Time frame: -
Summary: What happens after you have given that one thing, only you can give? How does someone receive such a precious gift without changing altogether? And why is it that only when something has been taken from us do we learn to truly appreciate it?
Excerpt: “ Jae Shin's hand went back to the arrow. This arrow had had Jae Shins name on it until Yong Ha had stepped between and changed certain fate ...and how he wished that Yong Ha wouldn't have done that.”
Pairings: Moon Jae Shin/Gu Yong Ha
Word count: ~8700
Rating: T (angst, fluff)
Other: This is the sequel to “Live Forever”, which I hadn't planned to write in the beginning.
Thanks: To YoonHee, and Anonymous, who thought is was just too sad to to have “Live Forever” end like it did and provided me with the outline.
Series: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Soundtrack: Still Alive – Lisa Miskovsky
Spoilers: -
Time frame: -
Summary: What if the only purpose you have found for your life is refused and the love you have can never be spoken, what will you do? Does a life like that mean only despair or can just being alive mean hope, hope that maybe someday something will change?
Excerpt: “Jae Shin's words were meant to be light and affectionate but they only emphasised the loneliness Yong Ha felt. How could he ever tell this man what was in his heart knowing the implications and the pain that would follow?”
Pairings: Moon Jae Shin/Gu Yong Ha
Word count: ~7000
Rating: M (slight depression, fluff, romance, nibbles)
Other: This is the epilogue for “Live Forever” and “Live Forever II: One“, which is practically just a sad excuse to have nibbles*
* smooching and touching....
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Old poll outcome and new poll "Do you dare tell of your BL obsession?"
So here are the results from the Old poll:
"Should they just have stuck fake beards on the young cast in 'The Moon that Embraces the Sun' and pretended they had grown instead of having an adult cast that is neither as gorgeous or as good in acting as the younger ones?"
or in short:
"Which cast do you prefer in 'The Moon that Embraces the Sun' - young or adult?"
with 28 participants:
89% thought the YOUNG cast beat the s**t out of the older cast (TaMeaut approved!)
11% obviously have no taste (yes, flame me, barbecue me, but THAT was the lousiest acting I have ever seen from Jung Il Woo EVER...)
AND, might I add that THAT WAS THE LOUSIEST ENDING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A DRAMA EVER...Holy flying dead kittens in superman suits...I am soooo NOT going to say anymore or I will threaten to rant forever...
So lets all move on and give you my new poll instead:
"Do you DARE tell about your BL OBSESSION, M/M FANDOM, gay OTP or the fact that you spend all night READING/WRITING gay fanfics to your "real" friends, family and loved ones?"
or in short
"Have you dared tell your close ones about your M/M obsession?"
Poem "marked"
Last night,
deep night
Death stayed by my side
All night,
dark night
holding my hand
in a cold clammy grip
hard enough to bruise
not the Death I know
not the Death I know
not for peace
not for comfort
not for love
but from despairing hollowness
staring back at me
as I was seeking some
this was not the Death I know
waiting for the moment I will let go
I am not afraid to die
not like that
not like that
unknown faces
white spaces
closing in
while I
lie there
caged inside my decaying body
shaking so hard
focusing everything
on that tiny shivering ember of life
that still remain
clutching the sheets with white knuckles
with a litany of fear repeating in my mind
and over
and over
and over again
the only one by my side
a terrifying Death I don't know
bruising my hand
bruising my hand
waiting for the moment I will let go
the only hope
a menacing Death I don't know
bruising my hand
as much as I was
bruising his,
holding on
Monday, April 2, 2012
Pillow Book "can I?"
Sometimes I make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are so big I do not want to face them. I feel like I would just like to leave everything behind and start fresh in some other place. As if the mistake I have made have somehow rotted the very place I occupy and the foul stench of decay is in my nose all the time. So I start over in a new fresh place, with no offensive odours. Again and again.
Then one day I realised.
Despite the distances I have travelled, I wasn't moving anywhere.
For to start over is like dying and being born again, never taking responsibility for the past.
For every new start, what has been is utterly erased, eaten away by the guilt you have. And when you feed guilt, it grows, despite your best efforts to leave it far behind, until it, like a virus, eats everything within you.
Rather than to start over again and again, you have to take responsibility for and learn to embrace the mistakes you make, absorbing them into yourself with the new knowledge you possess.It is proof of your growth, your movement forward.
True learning and insight, can only come from accepting and understanding what has come before.
Be proud of your mistakes, for they only, will move you forward.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
We are the Brave New World!
I adore the way fanfiction writers engage with and critique source texts, but manipulating them and breaking their rules. Some of it is straight-up homage, but a lot of [fan fiction] is really aggressive towards the source text. One tends to think of it as written by total fanboys and fangirls as a kind of worshipful act, but a lot of times you’ll read these stories and it’ll be like ‘What if Star Trek had an openly gay character on the bridge?’ And of course the point is that they don’t, and they wouldn’t, because they don’t have the balls, or they are beholden to their advertisers, or whatever. There’s a powerful critique, almost punk-like anger, being expressed there—which I find fascinating and interesting and cool.
Lev Grossman (via Tumblr)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Poem "voidless"
losing my voice
makes me
think it is eternal
makes me
losing my self
makes me
think I deserve it
makes me
and fall
every fever peak
is a roaring abyss of silence
every valley,
murmuring paradise
to speak
to convey
my emotions, wishes and desires
of my soul
take it away
and I withdraw into my shell
of me, lamenting my torture
or is it a gift?
maybe even I
have to learn
"Voiceless is not Worthless"
for I shall never be
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Just have to put up this link because it is so true...
What it looks like when I introduce people to the fandom or tell them I write smutty gay fanfiction!
(actually I am extremely lucky because my partner is one of my biggest fans, sitting all nights rereading my smut with twinkling eyes...)
I wonder how many of us keep quiet about having these sorts of hobbies just to not get condemned by friends, family, even loved ones, and society?
In fact, I will make this my new poll, later on!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Poem "maybe even I"
from far, far, far away
there is no difference
between a planet and a star
they both shine bright
like little glowing embers
but right before you
it is obvious
the star has light and warmth
that comes from deep within
the planet,
if there was no star
the planet would no longer shine
but if there was no planet
the star would still
I am a planet
a small insignificant
cold place
I whirl around my star
my beautiful
life giving star
I bask in light and warmth
unselfishly given by my star
without ever giving anything back
I wish
and strive
and dream
that one day even I
can also give something back
to my beautiful, beautiful star
Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Star
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
You really wanna kill me with love overflow don't you?
This is incredible!
My super duper fan, Pandoraylam, that did the super ultra great fanart for me for "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" (see this post) has created cover art for my fics (and in super high quality!) - including my "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" fics!
This is the coolest ever - I really wanted to have something like this but I suck at this kind of artsy stuff so Pandoraylam really is doing me a overwhelming favour!
And showering me in LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE....
Now I can't wait for the rest....(fidget, fidget...)
Monday, March 26, 2012
Poem "twofold"
my love is not like your love at all
your love is
you never hold back
and you don't expect anything from me
my love is
small perfectly placed portions
constraining myself within invisible borders
and demand a return
and whilst I unwittingly hold back
I wish, I wish I could be like you
for you deserve so much, so much
but I am so afraid
of losing myself
in the love I have for you
for it is far stronger than me
and much more generous than me
and it is far, far more worthy than me
so please
don't let me go
but try to see my heart
nestled in this concrete of my self
and one day I am sure
it will wither and give back
a thousandfold
what you deserve
SKKS Fanfic Community and "Recommended Reading"
I recently joined a fanfiction community "SKK Scandal @ LiveJournal", they have lots of authors making fanfiction about "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" so all who are interested can head over to their page for great entertainment!
I also have added to "Recommended Reading" one of my favourite "weird" pairing fanfic from "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" - XXX/XXX (I will leave the pairing a surprise! ..the very idea is strikingly appalling yet Decodexx pulls it off brilliantly! Every time I read I cannot stop from giggling...) So head over to read it:
Sunday, March 25, 2012
I am so proud to be part of this fandom!

from kdramaconfessions
(maybe its so good because we are all respecting each other and what we create instead of acting like rabid sasaeng fans...)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Poem "please don't"
My empty chamber
is crowded
with the repose of moths
I have quenched every flame
for I am afraid
shooting stars will light my rooom
on fire
"New" writer for "Warrior Baek Dong Soo"
Just found this little gem of fanfic for the "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fandom that I have added to the "Recommended Reading":
Its a short fic with the musings of Un-ah about his relationship with Dong Soo, but beware - at first you will find it light, but the end will blow you away!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Oh Ma Gawd! Love overload!
Dudes, LOVE is all around....

I am so spazzing of sheer ecstasy here...Cannot believe someone actually likes my fics so much they add me into the fandom like this - its like the ultimate LOVE declaration!!! Just like when Anaapenas added me to dongsooslashyeoun ! Gosh, guys, I am overwhelmed!
She has other stuff going too that is amazing but I have to wait for it to be finish....aaaaaaa....I am so impatient....
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Poem "true freedom is not what you think"
my body is a cage
a thin, densely packed wiring
confining all that I have inside
all that is me
from escape
I would not want this mortal failing shell
to again resurrect
I would rather shed it
like a cicada
and take to the skies
forever freed of my bonds
and gravity
leaving only an empty husk
on the ground
Monday, March 19, 2012
New Fanfiction with a twist from "Warrior Baek Dong Soo"
I am currently obsessing about the scenario in "Euphoria"...
This one is more romantic and fluffy, as it was in many peoples comments, and please observe that this is NOT a sequel - it is an ALTERNATE VERSION!

Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Honeythief – Halou
Spoilers: -
Time frame: Ep. 17 (first meeting after three years)
Summary: What happens when the puppy you played with and cherished so much, suddenly runs away from you. Did you search for him? Or did you abandon him, like he did you? And if you meet again would you want to punish him or is forgiveness stronger than revenge?
Excerpt: “I am crying and with every tear, I get one step closer to my final dream, a pool of blood and you walking away. For I will drown in this lake of tears and broken dreams and you will walk away, for I am not worthy of anything else.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~13000
Rating: NC17 (angst galore, smut galore and fluff galore (so much fluff, bunnies are embarrassed) )
Other: Since this scenario was just WAY too good to write only one fic about (“Euphoria”) I have here written an alternative version with a different angle. However, I am still reusing some of the original writing from “Euphoria”, especially the beginning and the end is the same with only subtle differences, so don't think you are crazy if you recognise some of it. Text in “bold” is original dialogue from series.
Thanks: To everyone who wanted a more romantic/fluffy love scene in "Euphoria"
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Pillow Book "just maybe"
I am not superstitious. Not at all.
Yet, as I laid there in my hospital bed, again, with the weight of an elephant on my chest, trying to gulp in those four deciliters of air that I could manage to keep me conscious and the morbid visions of how my funeral would be if that weight would increase just ever so slightly more, I couldn't help thinking...
Maybe, just maybe, I should have made a wish on that falling star...
I, in my ignorance didn't wish for anything. For I already felt I had it all...
From now on, I will make wishes on falling stars...so I at least will not think about it the next time I lie there trying to survive...
Friday, March 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Old poll outcome and new poll "Young vs Old in 'Moon Embraces Sun'?"
So here are the results from the Old poll
or in short:
"Did you like the ending of Warrior Baek Dong Soo?"
with 69 participants:
67 hated the ending (which I find only natural to such a OOC and rushed ending)
2 actually liked it
so instead of asking these two what they thought was good about the ending (which will undoubtedly make me fall into a dangerously long rant) I will move on and give you my new poll:
"Should they just have stuck fake beards on the young cast in 'The Moon that Embraces the Sun' and pretended they had grown instead of having an adult cast that is neither as gorgeous or as good in acting as the younger ones?"
or in short
"Which cast do you prefer in 'The Moon that Embraces the Sun' - young or adult?"
Monday, February 27, 2012
Bring back my young ones from "The Moon that Embraces the Sun"
I am bored. Or rather I am bored of "The Moon that Embraces the Sun".
When the show started I was running around naked in my room in excitement that another show from the author of "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" was going to show. I looove, or rather I ABSOLUTELY ADORE "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" and with "The Moon that Embraces the Sun" I was anticipating a new enormous hit, however...
When the show started I was running around naked in my room in excitement that another show from the author of "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" was going to show. I looove, or rather I ABSOLUTELY ADORE "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" and with "The Moon that Embraces the Sun" I was anticipating a new enormous hit, however...
it bores me...somehow nothing is happening, they just keep going around in circles around a pretty boring subject and the chemistry of the main cast is void.
or should I say the chemistry of the main ADULT cast is void while the YOUNG cast was absolutely BRILLIANT! I keep waiting for the flashbacks to them since they are the only thing that keeps me watching.
Jeo Jin Gu (Hwon) blows my socks off - he is so charming that I have added him to "Inappropriate Younger Crush" and his acting is making me ecstatic.
Kim Soo Hyun leaves me bland, he is a good actor but he just doesn't measure up to his younger version.
Kim Yoo Jung (Yeon U) is incredible, sweet and cute yet deep and profound. Fantastic acting and her chemistry with Jin Gu is mind blowing.
For the first time I am shipping a non M/M couple!
Kim Yoo Jung is just a sad excuse. Just like Frodo in "Lord of the Rings", she only has ONE expression: huge eyes with tears in and frozen mimicry. Also her chemistry with Soo Hyun is so devoid of feeling that I was actually cringing at their more intimate scenes.
Lee Min Ho (Yang Myeung) is incredible as an actor and such a cutie and he really pulled off the cast away prince that still loved his little brother
Jung Il Woo should have sticked to "Return of Iljimae" where his melancholia actually did the trick, for I jsut find him spoilt and disagreable (O'boy am I gonna get a lot of flame for this one from all the Il Woo fans...)
Lee Won Gun (Un) was an eye opener (literally, he has gorgeous eyes) pulling off the proud loner without feeling unsocial
Song Jae Rim is just a whipped puppy (although he is growing on me a little...)
Siwon (Yeom) isn't really my cup of tea but he really gave a full dimension to his character that his grown counterpart Song Jae Hee seems to have dropped somewhere. Am I also the only one that feels that his relationship with his princess-bride is bordering on inappropriate since he looks like he is at least 30 while she looks (and acts) like 14?
Also, I am going to add that the entire young cast are sooo much more gorgeous than the adults - especially adult Yeom is beyond my understanding...wasn't he suppose to be the most gorgeous guy ever?
Anyway, in addition to this the story is sooooo boring that I find myself doing fast forward sometimes just to skip the entire crying scenes that seems to last for hours...
Couldn't they just have stuck fake beards on the young ones and pretended they had grown? and give me some bromance, please...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Poem "sapling II: sprout"
Last night, when the moon was new
I dreamt of Life
He descended from heaven like a god
with raven tipped wings
He whispered
"I hold in my heart the knowledge of endings.
If you so choose, I will give it to you."
his skin colder than ice, as
he seductively lent into me
"Weed the garden of seeds
and uproot the saplings of Death
and mortality, will crumble like earth in your hands"
He was so confident,
so sure of my answer
I just smiled and looked at him.
"I cannot choose you,
for my heart is already given.
Blinding Death is my mistress,
for only she gives freely
the seeds of beginnings."
Knowledge given so easily
is not wisdom at all,
and uprooted sprouts
gives infertile earth
From each flower
ignorance would flow
From each root
decay would grow
and each seed
would move the World backwards
one grain at a time
for the knowledge of endings
only take root
in a heart touched by Life
He wrapped me in feathers
and whispered again
"Will you then die in this moment?
Choose wisely again,
and live, live forever, with me."
but I
still smiling
was not tempted at all
for I would choose loving Death
over ice cold Aeons,
over and over again.
In this World there is
nothing more beautiful
nothing more worth keeping
than the fragility of our lives,
and the knowledge
that only grows when the World moves forward,
one sprout of Death
at a time.
For Mamie
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Poem "within"
The Eyes of a Tiger,
is nothing special.
It is the Fang of a Tiger,
the Claw of a Tiger,
or so I thought
until I saw,
the Eyes of a Tiger
and without it moving
I felt those fangs,
sink into my neck
and I felt those claws,
raking open my chest,
exposing my still beating heart
without the Tiger moving,
without it touching me once
It ate me,
For the Fangs and the Claws
that rake and tear and kill,
within the Eyes
of a Tiger
Friday, February 17, 2012
Word Challenge "Sungkyunkwan Scandal"
So I did a Word Challenge for "Sungkyunkwan Scandal", I had loads of fun doing it but I lost in the end because I got to engrossed in my story.

(chibi pic from Fearless)
If you don't know what a Word Challenge is then let me illuminate you:
A challenge can be made with specific rules, that are given beforehand.
You will have a set amount of time, or specific guidelines to write after, and if you break one you lose.
In short, it is a writing game!
For example, the rules I used were:
2 random words, same first letter (taken for example from a dictionary)
First word sets theme
Second word must be in text
No more than 300 words per text
10 minutes to write
and I chose my topic to be in short snippets from the life of Gu Yong Ha and Moon Jae Shin and I managed to write six pieces before I lost on the seventh.

(chibi pic from Fearless)
If you don't know what a Word Challenge is then let me illuminate you:
A challenge can be made with specific rules, that are given beforehand.
You will have a set amount of time, or specific guidelines to write after, and if you break one you lose.
In short, it is a writing game!
For example, the rules I used were:
2 random words, same first letter (taken for example from a dictionary)
First word sets theme
Second word must be in text
No more than 300 words per text
10 minutes to write
and I chose my topic to be in short snippets from the life of Gu Yong Ha and Moon Jae Shin and I managed to write six pieces before I lost on the seventh.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Slutty Valentines Day to You all
Yes, I include all the Haters in that too...cause I am "better" than You...

if you don't then the go here and get your daily fix of how God meant for men to be: Hot, Bothered and completely at your Mercy...
now yo'all have to excuse me...I am gonna go and drizzle melted chocolate on "mine"...Because I deserve it....
Sunday, February 12, 2012
MBLAQ's Joon changes profession to...SEX?!
or so you would wish! Nyahahaha...
Stumbled across this absolutely smutty piece of writing from Jindeul "I Love my Sex Trainer", which features my bias right now, Mr. "sex-on-legs" himself Lee Joon as God meant him to be: a sex trainer...
He even has a featurette video for it:
Ta-Meaut approves...and has added it as "Recommended Reading" to the right in my listings.
(Man, I wish I had trailers for my fanfics...that would be soooo cool...)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
What happens when "Edward" bites "Super Junior"
Super Junior's perfume advertising makes "Twilight" look cool...
and what's up with the name of the perfume? They couldn't think of a more subtle name than "Sexy"?!
(although I would not say no to Dong Hae with those teeth and that suit...yes, I admit I find him slightly "sexy" like this...Oh,no, the ad must be working....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Poem "what wouldn't I give"
A crossed shadow falls over me
as I am lying in the soft grass
I look up into the painfully blue sky and realise
it is a sleek white bird
with wings so big they can wrap around you
covering all,
and Heaven.
I trace its smooth flight with my tearing eyes
until it vanishes into the far distant
and I realise,
I am looking straight into the Sun.
Hurriedly I close my eyes
but in the red darkness of my lids
All I see
is the outline of a black bird against a blinding white light
burnt forever into my retina
My eyes clenched shut, tears running down my cheeks
I suddenly
feel a soft wind against my cheek
as the bird,
sweeps past me, so close,
so close,
I can feel the tip of its wing against my cheek
As if to say,
Thank You,
and Good Bye.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Final chapters of WBDS fanfic "Euphoria"
Rejoice my minions!
Here is the final chapter and the epilogue for the Warrior Baek Dong Soo fanfic "Euphoria", all neatly placed in AooO.
Phew, I don't think I will ever do this again...I mean publish chapter by chapter...I am a wreck...

(pic from here edited by me)
Phew, I don't think I will ever do this again...I mean publish chapter by chapter...I am a wreck...

(pic from here edited by me)
I will try and post it on the blog to later on...
WTF rant on "Fated to Love You"
Someone recommended the Taiwanese drama "Fated to Love You" for me so I have seen a few episodes now. My general verdict can probably be comprised in the multi usage abbreviation of WTF!?
Not only is the story reeaaally incomprehensive with general plotline of an arrogant guy, in love with another girl, making a "sticky-note" girl pregnant "by drug-induced mistake" and then having to marry her against his will, but all the actors are soooo baaad I am crying...blood...

which makes one of the women parrot back to the other what she just heard, even though she just seconds ago sat sipping what she thought was a huge alcoholic drink...

Not only is the story reeaaally incomprehensive with general plotline of an arrogant guy, in love with another girl, making a "sticky-note" girl pregnant "by drug-induced mistake" and then having to marry her against his will, but all the actors are soooo baaad I am crying...blood...
However is we skip these two small things that I can somehow overlook, there is ONE thing I absolutely cannot. This series is like a ambivalent BAD propaganda series for communist China. In the entire series they keep talking about mothers and babies and they are "holy" and babies are from God and so on and so forth ONLY to give out ill-masked crappy "advice" on how expecting mothers, and fathers, should act.
For example; In one scene the two pregnant women go to a bar and order the strongest, largest alcohol beverage they can get.
Here is a pic of them sipping the drinks the bartender gave them (please note the obvious pregnancy on one of them):

The suddenly one of the women puts down her drink in anger that it doesn't seem to contain alcohol:

which makes one of the women parrot back to the other what she just heard, even though she just seconds ago sat sipping what she thought was a huge alcoholic drink...

I cannot express in words right now how frustrated I get while watching this....WTF, shouldn't they know this already?
I am not even gonna start with the rest of the "advice" the litter all around this series...
That's it for me, and now that I have blown off some steam I can tell you that the rest of "Euphoria" will come tomorrow, when I have checked it for mistakes...
Bonus pic
Despite the Christian ideals and talk of God in this series, they give birth to Satan's baby (note the nr on the crib):

Monday, February 6, 2012
Why Yeo Un SHOULDN'T die...
Right now I am experiencing a serious Catch-22 moment (meaning circular argument...).
In my previous post "Why Yeo Un should DIE..." I wrote the obvious reasons why he absolutely have to die but then Maria reminded me of everyone else in the cast what was still alive and would therefore also age...like Dong Soo!
That in turn made me think of Nerjaveika's glorious SLASH/CRACK video in which we get a hilarious/horrendous glimpse of the future of Baek Dong Soo turning an alcoholic after killing his best friend/love-of-his-life. (by the way you should check ot this video...I laughed so hard I almost opened up my operation scars...thanks again Nerjaveika...you make my day...)
(screen cap from Nerjaveika's WBDS SLASH/CRACK video , edited by me)
So I realised that if Un-ah lives then this will never happen! However if Un-ah lives then we have the worst case scenario that I described in "Why Yeo Un should DIE..." .
So now I am going in circles. Either Yeo Un will turn an ugly alcoholic or Dong Soo will...aaaaaaargh...the choices, the choices...
Maybe I should make a poll out of it: "Who will make the best alcoholic: Un-ah or Dong Soo?"
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Why Yeo Un should DIE...
So the other day I was watching some episodes of sageuk "Gye Baek" (mostly because of a rumour that Lee Min Ho was acting in it...and it was true!!!) however I also stumbled across something that made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair.
Suddenly in one episode there is a letter sent to a mysterious assassination group (does it ring a bell?) and there is the leader (ding...dong) of the organisation standing in a room that looks VERY much like the headquarters of Heuksa Chorong (shrill ringing in my ears...). The camera zooms in and the leader turns around and I scream in horror, it is UN-AH AGED 50! (actually it is Ahn Kil Kang with a wig and mustache and wrinkles so deep you can bathe in them - not to mention the bags underneath his eyes.)
With this introduction, I got instantly the feeling that this is what Un-ah would look like if he would have stayed leader of Heuksa Chorong (I mean he was starting to drink pretty heavy in the end of the series and all those killings and bad conscience does bad stuff to gorgeous guys...) instead of dying beautifully and remaining gorgeous in all our memories forever...
With that said, I am going to hereby stand by the fact that IT WAS GOOD THAT UN-AH DIED...for I don't think I could live through him looking like that....oh, my poor heart...(by the way I still stand for the fact that I didn't like the ending but now I am sure Un-ah had to die...)
You should all check it out - the scene is short but hilarious...although I cannot remember which episode it was in, I am sure it was some of the first ones for the child actors are still there...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Update WBDS fanfiction "Euphoria", chapter 4 and 5
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Maria just made me aware of the dubbel-posting of my third chapter of "Euphoria" - it was probably a bug in AooO, because when I posted it yesterday it seemed to be fine...It is corrected now!
Sorry to get all your hopes up like that :P, however the next chapters are coming soon, so I hope you will forgive me for the "cock"-up!
Friday, January 27, 2012
NEW chapter for WBDS fanfic "Euphoria" (3/7)
As a Friday treat I hear by give you the next chapter of my latest "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfic "Euphoria"!
And this is the one I know YOU all have been waiting for: SMUT galore...(and more on its way...)
The new chapter (Chapter 3 of 7) can be found in AooO, here or if you wanna read from the beginning again, here.
Dears, have fun while reading (in any "position" you want...)...Oh, and if anyone would accidentally get a nosebleed- please do tell me...I would like to know...
PS Anaapenas! Please help yourself...If you'd like...
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