Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gundam Wing fanfiction in "Recommended Reading"

I am slowy getting back to my favourite OTP HeeroXDuo from "Gundam Wing" - some years ago I was mad about this couple and I realised the other day that this obsessions has never left, just shifted. There is just something very compelling about a violent, unfeeling guy coupling with a loud, brash guy with super-long hair - ah, the angst, the blood, the smut...

There was a period when I was on "Gundam Wing Addiction" every day reading something, yet I have never tried to write something myself on this couple - maybe because there are so much written already and its sooooo frigging good, like D. C. Logan.

I just love these fics from D. C Logan even though they are pretty mellow and non-smutty, the language is beautiful and the stories compelling. I feel like a better author just reading them.

Highly recommended!

Man, I miss anime like this, were the mere opening song  makes you go into bliss and nostalgia...


  1. when I first saw this pic I though the long haired dude was a girl! lol but then when I read your post it's actually a guy please excuse me lol

    1. Hahaha, yes a common missunderstanding. This actually highlights the prejudice we usually have by assuming someone with long hair is a woman, and short hair is a man. We truly are smallminded beings...

    2. HAHA YH!!!!!!!!
