Friday, May 4, 2012

Poem "...comes around"

I bend
I surrender
There is nothing more of me to give
There is nothing more that you can take

I yield
My defeat
I have given all I can
You have taken all you want

Just know,
bamboo folds and yields and molds
then whips right back
with brutal force

I regret nothing at all
and all you have taken
will come back to me

just like the fallen leaves
of autumn
gives a new aspiring spring


  1. Just like the fallen leaves of autumn... I liked very much the way you made the parallel between bamboo and the seasons. Everything is a circle, what goes around, comes around... hence the title.

    I surprised myself at trying to duck the whiplash of the bouncing bamboo!

    Our spirits can never be entirely low, because of the very way of things. Chin up. Even in defeat. Always.

    1. Yes, very true and hard. You have to be as resilient as bamboo to be able to stand it.
      Yet I do hope for a spring...

  2. Just to complete my earlier comment: it is reminding me of course of La Fontaine's philosophical fable "Le ChĂȘne et le Roseau" (The Oak and the Reed), which is itself a variant of Aesop's. "Le roseau plie mais ne rompt pas", it bends but does not break, as a strategy for survival...

    1. Yes true, but also never forget that the oak cannot be other than an sometimes even if you wished you cannot be other than you are, taking the storm headon.


  4. ta-meaut there's this question I was meaning to ask you (now I'm going to forewarn people before reading this since it may be a extremely touchy sensitive topic) you don't have to answer if you don't want to but you seem like a very open minded person like me especially when it comes to homosexuality or judgement but what do you think on the topic of incest now I know what your thinking why am I asking you this I should of asked someone else but I've grown to be confident with asking you questions and knowing that you hopefully won't judge me there's a book I hopefully will be reading soon once I buy it lol it's called forbidden by tabitha suzuma and a brother and sister in love now I thought it was intriguing since there are hardly any books on incest I've heard it's extremely beautiful, now my thoughts on incest is I think it's wrong but hearing all these reviews and people's thoughts I used to think people who were incestuous were horrible and evil but thinking about it now I realized how judgemental I was I will still always think incest is wrong but I would never judge anyone for it It's sad and a shame but when I eventually get the book and read it I will let you know what I think about it,,, I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable ta-meaut I just really wanted to know your opinion

    1. I mean I've heard the book is extremely beautiful according to the reviews

    2. hmmm, this is indeeed a very sensitive topic and I am going to shock people with my own ideas here:
      I think incest is perfectly fine. I cannot see how love in any form can hurt anyone UNLESS you have a biological child (that can indeeed have physical problems because of close genetics), I think the taboo of incest has always been connected to making babies that are freaks and have nothing really to do with the love two people share.
      I don't see why a brother and sister or two brothers etc. would not be able to have a loving relationship just as anyone, just because they happen to have the same parents or grew up together...

      but this is of course my own opinion and it is not shared by many...

      PS I will check out this book, sounds interesting...

    3. THANK YOU!!!!! for answering yes it is indeed a very sensitive subject but I'm not a mind reader but somehow I knew you would say from your opinion that it's okay now I have yet to read forbidden surprisingly my mum said yes to me to buying it even though she was not to happen about the material of the book but I was still happy she said yes because as I've said before my parents are religious lol so just have to wait for the book to turn up at my door lol sorry went off topic here now my opinions on it for me it is still personally wrong but I'm not talking about the whole brother and sister have kids together and the kids end up looking physically wrong I'm leaving the whole having kids out of it since I wanted to just say about the roots of the relationship not the offspring why am I saying offspring that just sounds wrong lol but you get the jist I used to think (like I previously mentioned) that people who were incestuous were messed up and sick and disgusting but hearing off this book (even though I haven't read it yet) it made me think about the whole relationship thing in general and I realized how judgemental I was even if I don't agree too much on it I wouldn't judge but the incestuous relationship between a father and daughter or mother and son makes me ahem nervous I guess lol since I think it's wrong to have that kind of relationship with something you've created but if they really love each other who's to judge lol just as long as it's not taking advantage lol,,,, oh yh there's a book series as well that has incest called flowers in the attic by V.C Andrews I read the synopsis and let's just say it does sound like an extremely strange book but I like strange stories so lol and apparently it was written in 1979 and there's a movie on it anyways thank you very much on answering my question I knew it was a touchy sensitive subject but I was curious on asking you since I felt you wouldn't get upset on me asking and that your quite open minded I feel I can open up to you on these kinds of topics and strangely enough I knew you would say that you have nothing against incestuous relationships

    4. another thing I want to ask this is also kind of touchy but not too touchy what's your opinion on religion and people who are religious????? now want to apologize for asking another question since you took the time to kindly answer about the other question if you don't want to answer that's fine but if you do answer take as much time as you want x

    5. yes, another touchy subject... ;) I think people have the right to believe exactly whatever they like adn as long as they don't try to force that on other people then I am fine with it. Of coruse that applies to any convictions you can have too adn not only religion, however religion is something that (for me) is only based on belief and not on morals, rules or reality(proof) and therefore I prefer not to have as little as possibe to do with it - my mind just don't work like that.
      The main problem as I see is that ususally religious people have a very narrowminded way of seeing life, due to the inflictions of their religious beliefs and therefore they can be very "obnoxious".

      I firmly believe that life in itself is too beautiful to be "uglified" by religion - it is all there in front of you why do you need to beleive in something invisible and divine to enjoy?

      And as always, love in all shapes should be our way, not hate and damnation...

    6. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I am glad you have replied I believe that people have the right to believe in what they want but maybe some religious people see things differently there are some very good religious people out there but prefer the ones who don't force there beliefs on others too although I kinda disagree about the the world is beautiful I only think some of it is, not all lol it reminds me of the song by david usher ugly is beautiful

    7. I think the world IS beautiful but some people MAKE it ugly. The world is what we make of it, but nature is always beautiful, even the "ugly" parts.

    8. hmmmmm you make me open up my eyes
