Friday, April 27, 2012

Poem "stop asking, for you won't like the answer "

No, I am not fine

I might look alive, I might move and talk
like usual
for it doesn't show on the outside

but the bony hand of Death is still firmly clasped around my wrist
lightly tugging, tugging, tugging
every day reminding me
that I have not yet escaped
nor will I ever

for bruises formed by the hand of Death
are internal
and everlasting


  1. WOW this is beautiful, it reminds me of darkness and how we feel like when you pretend that your fine on the outside but really were not fine on the inside

    1. Yes, and how people keep asking but they don't really want to know the real answer...

    2. yes thats also very true x

  2. I feel like screaming, yet not being able to convey it to the outer world. This poem is very much a diptych with the one published later on "silently I scream...". Sometimes -hell, many times- we feel so powerless, vulnerable, scorched open, flesh raw. And it doesn't show. I guess that's what ultimate despair is about. Life is killing us second after second. Or is it Death? I have forgotten, but it hurts so deep. I have a knot in my stomach.

    1. Yes, we all do at one point or another. The important thing is to let it out, unravel that knot. I do that by writing, hope you find an equal wonderfully creative way of doing it...

  3. knerrir@ why don't you let your emotions out in a creative way like ta-meaut has just suggested or tell someone what could go wrong if you do just shout it out if you have to your pouring your heart out on the internet why don't you do that in a creative way????
