Friday, February 10, 2012

Poem "what wouldn't I give"

A crossed shadow falls over me
as I am lying in the soft grass
I look up into the painfully blue sky and realise
it is a sleek white bird
with wings so big they can wrap around you
covering all,

and Heaven.

I trace its smooth flight with my tearing eyes
until it vanishes into the far distant
and I realise,
I am looking straight into the Sun.

Hurriedly I close my eyes
but in the red darkness of my lids
All I see
is the outline of a black bird against a blinding white light
burnt forever into my retina

My eyes clenched shut, tears running down my cheeks
I suddenly
feel a soft wind against my cheek
as the bird,
sweeps past me, so close,
so close,
I can feel the tip of its wing against my cheek

As if to say,

Thank You,
and Good Bye.


  1. This is beautiful I was wondering when you were going to write another poem or a pillow book since I love reading them hehe I can't really interpret this one I guess in my opinion it would be like losing someone you love the go and come-back or helping someone or just losing someone if you don't mind me asking can you tell me what it means???? xxxx

    1. I think I was imagining myself as becoming the bird, that can freely fly away or choose to return...and as if the bird knew I was imagining it and telling me; thank you for trying and goodbye because you can never really become me.

      Yeah, and now I sound like a nut-case...but it is really good that you ask me these things because you really make me think about what I write...

  2. no your not a nut-case I think it's beautiful and how your mind works when it comes to writing when you put it like that it makes me think of the freedom birds have that humans don't they can go where they please using there wings I remember when I was little I wanted to fly which I think alot of people wanted to do hehe but even though birds are free they still have there limits

  3. The torment of not being bird: being closer to the sun, not quite burning its wings, as opposed to Icarus. Don't we say also: as free as a bird? I just wonder: did you have a specific bird in mind? I suspect a fierce yet majestic one, that does not fear anything or anyone. Albatross maybe? It reminds of Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" where spotting an albatross is a good omen.

    I crave the impressionist vision that you manage to seep through your poems. With these visions, so many deep interrogations can arise!

    1. Thank you very much, and yes the bird I think of is large and majestic and fears none. As I would like to be myself.

    2. of course icarus how could I forget
