The obscure writings of Ta-Meaut; indeterminate poet, ambiguous writer and amorphous philosopher.......... I don't live to write, I write to live...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
New Poll "Should In have been left for dead the second time?" and old poll outcome of "Is Yeo Un a seme or uke?"
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Poem "John Bauer Forests of my Youth"
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011
Poem "coward"
Friday, December 9, 2011
New smutty fanfiction from Warrior Baek Dong Soo "Black Star"

Soundtrack: Black Star – Avril Lavigne
Spoilers: ep. 9-11
Time frame: ep. 9-11 (at the beacon post)
Summary: If you have never loved before, how can you know the feelings you have are love? If no one has ever loved you before, how can you know that what they are giving is love?
Excerpt: “Un-ah hadn't hesitated a second before he answered. He didn't know love, so how could he possibly have felt passionate love?”
Pairings: Yeo Un/Baek Dong Soo, Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~4300
Rating: NC-17 (angst, smut)
Other: This is the companion fic to “Unusual You”, it can be read as both a direct angsty sequel or just alone as an alternative to “Unusual You”, since I have changed the mood from fluff to angst. In ep. 11 I felt as if Un-ah's entire demeanour had changed at their return to the palace, as if he had come to a tough decision. This is my idea of what that was. Quotes in “italic” are original from series.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Hitokiri battousai hits the movies and I roll around in ecstasy...

Saturday, December 3, 2011
Pillow Book "in between"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
New poll "Is Yeo Un a seme or uke?" and old poll outcome
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Poem "don't you?"
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Spanking brand new "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfiction "Unusual You"

Soundtrack: Unusual You – Britney Spears (yeah, so sue me but I like this song...)
Spoilers: -
Time frame: ~ep 9-11 (when they are at the beacon post)
Summary: When you stand on the edge of knife, one word could be all that is needed to tip you over. When you only have one goal in mind, one action could be all that is needed to stop you. Then maybe you will discover something surprising, something important.
Excerpt: “Winning or loosing had completely lost its meaning as all that mattered was that Un-ah was here and that he didn't want Dong Soo to stop what he was doing.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~2800
Rating: NC-17 (smut, fluff)
Warning: Highly gratuitous smut, for no good reason whatsoever, than the author being sexually frustrated by these two beating around the bush for 29 episodes.
Thanks: For Anaapenas who urged me on to write more about this couple since she liked my WBDS fanfictions so much (to the point of hosting them on her Tumblr!).
Friday, November 25, 2011
Poem "cursed be I"
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Smile, You're Beautiful
Poem "aspiration"
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Pillow Book "what do you fear?"
Friday, November 18, 2011
Pillow Book "Even a child knows better"
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Pillowbook "Death is the Road to Awe"
Monday, November 14, 2011
Late Halloween treat
What "Twilight" could have been...
Personally I think the cutie below (picture from blog) is my favourite :D (hot damn Tae Min, you are sizzling...)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Poem "special"
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Pillow Book "you think I don't know? but I still want to hear it..."
What is underneath the surface might sometimes be more apparent than the things you show. Or is it that you secretly wish for it to be noticed, because you lack the ability to say it out loud?
Maybe, sometimes, even though known, it needs to be said out loud. Do you have the courage?
Friday, November 4, 2011
Pillow Book "refuse?"
Monday, October 31, 2011
Posting of my fanfiction in "Archive of Our Own"
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Today I feel so cool...
The reason?
My "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfiction "Heart's a Mess" and "Surrender" have been scouted by anaapena ! So now they are featured on both dongsooslashyeoun and Tumblr.
I feel so loved. I feel so ridiculously happy that someone is actually appreciating my writing to the degree that they want to add it to their site ("Surrender" even got the tag "#i love her writing. i'm in love with this fic.").
Oooh, I think my writer antennas are tingling...I feel a fanfic coming up..could it be....could it be a Dong Soo/Un-ah fic? Yes, I think it is....
In the mean time, enjoy this mouthwatering picture of a very wet Yeo Un ( Yoo Seung Ho): (Oh and if you wanna see an evil Yoo Seung Ho go to Youtube and see T-ara's "Lies" , he is so hot as evil that he is sizzling...)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
New "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfiction: "Surrender"
Cannot believe how well it went. I have been squeezing this story in my head for so long now that eventually it had to come out. Anyway, for those of you who are Dong Soo/Yeo Un shippers - this is for you! (header is below, and fic is here or to the right in the list)

Title: “Surrender”
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Surrender (Eelke Kleijn Remix) -Way out West
Spoilers: Episode 26
Time frame: silhouette night scene in Episode 26
Summary: To know if you love someone, do not imagine living in this world with them, just imagine to live in this world without them.
Excerpt: “Because you are darkness, I will be your light. Because you stand fast, I will move you. Because no matter how hard you fight it, your fate will destroy you, and I Baek Dong Soo, I will not allow that. I will fight it to the very last drop of my blood.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~2700
Rating: M (angst, romance)
Other: This is the companion fic to “Heart's a Mess” which was written from Yeo Un's perspective. Since this fic is in Dong Soo's perspective I have used some of the phrases in polar opposition to give the sense of them being bound together by their strong feelings for each other (so, no, I have not copy-pasted this fic from the other...). I have used the informal way of saying Un's name, Un-ah, since I love the way it comes out of Dong Soo's mouth (like caramel syrup spread on pancakes). Text in “italic” is original conversation from the series.
I knew it!
Makes sense, they were just made for each other and since they couldn't get each other in the series, at least they can in real life (ho ho ho, evil manical laughter...)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Pillow Book "sigh"
Monday, October 24, 2011
Poem "this World"
To know if you love someone
do not imagine living in this world
with them
just imagine to live in this world
without them
Friday, October 21, 2011
New Fanfiction from Warrior Baek Dong Soo
By the way, Yoo Seung Ho has made me join the club of "Inappropriate Crush on much Younger Actors" since he is so hot he is sizzling and he is also a absolutely stunningly good actor - can you imagine he is only 18!!!. (Don't you just wanna dip him in chocolate and wrap him in foil???)

Title: Heart's a Mess
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Heart's a mess - Gotye
Spoilers: Episode 19
Time frame: Prison scene in Episode 19
Summary: All is so simple if you use fate as an excuse. All is so easy if you use hate as a guide. But what will you do, when someone violently takes it away from you, offering something else in return.
Excerpt: “Because you are light, I have to be darkness. Because you move me, I will stand fast. Because no matter how hard I fight it, my fate is to destroy you, and I Yeo Un, I will not allow that. I will fight it to the very last drop of my blood.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~1900
Rating: T (angst)
Other: I have used the informal way of saying Un's name, Un-ah, since I love the way it comes out of Dong Soo's mouth (like caramel syrup spread on pancakes). Text in “italic” is original conversation from the series.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Blown away by "Gu Yong Ha"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
New poll "What subject would you like to read about in a Sungkyunkwan fanfic?"
New Sungkyunkwan fanfic to celebrate
Title: Save your Goodbye
Series: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Soundtrack: Save your Goodbye – Mike Posner
Spoilers: -
Time frame: Entire series (mixed up snippets)
Summary: Sometimes what you call home is not a place, but a person. Sometimes what you call family is not your own blood. And sometimes silence speaks more than words.
Excerpt: “ The little lamp is flickering and shadows dance across Yong Ha's eyelashes and onto his cheeks. Jae Shin looks more intently as the shadow-play fascinates him and then it strikes him hard in his chest. Those are tears. ”
Pairings: Moon Jae Shin/Gu Yong Ha
Word count: ~3600
Rating: T (songfic, fluff)
Other: The lyrics in “italic” are from “Save your Goodbye” from Mike Posner and the conversation in “italic” is original from the series.
Thanks: to knerrir who insisted that songfics are good and that I should do more of them.
...and we are back!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Aargh...another addition to my list of "rage"
Monday, October 17, 2011
Pillow Book "Rage"
Sunday, October 16, 2011
twitter drool...

So if you can't see it -> it is Jang Geun Suk (Tae Kyung from "You're beautiful") and Song Joong Ki (Gu Yong Ha from "Sungkyunkwan Scandal") IN BED, TOGETHER! How adorable isn't that - it is like finding a basket of kittens, all for you :D
I can't imagine something smutty with this couple since they are both obviously UKE, but I can drool over the idea of both of them with tail and kitty-ears...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Poem "equity"
Just as black ink spreads on paper
tainting it forever
so does love, spread
so does hate, taint
while indifference leaves the paper blank
so that someone else can leave its mark
Friday, October 14, 2011
Poem "sapling"
Poem "moment 22"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Short story "Coffee Club"
Sometimes I get my head out of the gutter and write other fiction than just smutty pieces of cute boys from good dramas. This is one of those moments.
I had a strange inspiration when I sat in this café that resulted in this original fiction. Header is below and short story is here or to the right in my usual listing.
Title: Coffee Club
Series: -
Soundtrack: -
Spoilers: -
Time frame: -
Summary: What if you really looked at the person in front of you. No, really, really noticed them. What could you not learn?
Excerpt: “So many creatures, so many personalities all unique in their own way. None of them multiplied, ever. ”
Pairings: -
Word count: ~1100
Rating: K (original)
Thanks: To my regular café that inspired this short story. Thanks to Frank Herbert that first used the term "singular multiplicity".