Wohoo! Drumroll....cake eating time...
Here is my new "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" fanfiction "Black Star".
As the cravings on smut have increased exponentially, I have also increased the smut-factor in this fic...however not so much you will get nosebleed...yet...(this I am saving for my upcoming ultra-smutty piece that is right now sizzling in my mind...)
In the mean time, please enjoy "Black Star".
I will also post it on "Archive of our Own" later on.
Oh, and Anaapenas, if you really like it and want to, I give you permission...
Title: Black Star
Series: Warrior Baek Dong SooSoundtrack: Black Star – Avril Lavigne
Spoilers: ep. 9-11
Time frame: ep. 9-11 (at the beacon post)
Summary: If you have never loved before, how can you know the feelings you have are love? If no one has ever loved you before, how can you know that what they are giving is love?
Excerpt: “Un-ah hadn't hesitated a second before he answered. He didn't know love, so how could he possibly have felt passionate love?”
Pairings: Yeo Un/Baek Dong Soo, Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~4300
Rating: NC-17 (angst, smut)
Other: This is the companion fic to “Unusual You”, it can be read as both a direct angsty sequel or just alone as an alternative to “Unusual You”, since I have changed the mood from fluff to angst. In ep. 11 I felt as if Un-ah's entire demeanour had changed at their return to the palace, as if he had come to a tough decision. This is my idea of what that was. Quotes in “italic” are original from series.
Picture from Tumblr edited by me.
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