Cannot believe how well it went. I have been squeezing this story in my head for so long now that eventually it had to come out. Anyway, for those of you who are Dong Soo/Yeo Un shippers - this is for you! (header is below, and fic is here or to the right in the list)

Title: “Surrender”
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Surrender (Eelke Kleijn Remix) -Way out West
Spoilers: Episode 26
Time frame: silhouette night scene in Episode 26
Summary: To know if you love someone, do not imagine living in this world with them, just imagine to live in this world without them.
Excerpt: “Because you are darkness, I will be your light. Because you stand fast, I will move you. Because no matter how hard you fight it, your fate will destroy you, and I Baek Dong Soo, I will not allow that. I will fight it to the very last drop of my blood.”
Pairings: Baek Dong Soo/Yeo Un
Word count: ~2700
Rating: M (angst, romance)
Other: This is the companion fic to “Heart's a Mess” which was written from Yeo Un's perspective. Since this fic is in Dong Soo's perspective I have used some of the phrases in polar opposition to give the sense of them being bound together by their strong feelings for each other (so, no, I have not copy-pasted this fic from the other...). I have used the informal way of saying Un's name, Un-ah, since I love the way it comes out of Dong Soo's mouth (like caramel syrup spread on pancakes). Text in “italic” is original conversation from the series.
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