Saturday, October 15, 2011

Poem "equity"

Just as black ink spreads on paper

tainting it forever

so does love, spread

so does hate, taint

while indifference leaves the paper blank

so that someone else can leave its mark


  1. So very simple and fresh. Indifference is death.

    A dialogue of the movie "Equilibrium" resonates in my mind while I drink your lines:

    - What's the point of your existence?
    - To feel. [...] It is as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

  2. Yes, I think "Equilibrium" will always be a great inspiration to me about what is important in this life.

    As I once heard: The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.

  3. WOW thanks yo you guys I am learning about indifference and just had a look at wiki and imdb for Equilibrium I think I may watch that movie in the future it looks like a movie I would love to watch since I like thought-provoking movies

  4. I agree about indifference though I have yet to understand hate Is such a powerful word even though we use it like a toy saying I hate you even though we don't mean it hate can really be a powerful word just like hatred

    1. I think indifference is somethign worse than hate, for if you hate someone it means you still about that persons opinions, while indifference leaves you cold.

    2. WOW I never thought about it like that I learn something every day
