This time though, it is sort of special.
1. The fic turned out to be ENORMOUSLY much longer than I had anticipated, so this time I have divided it into 7 Chapters and I will ONLY post it them AoOO right now, since blogger has problems handling those sizes (I know from personal experience). I will try and put it on the blog later on when all the chapters are done.
2. Since the fic turned out so long I haven't finished tweaking the last parts yet, so I have decided, for the first time ever, to publish it chapter by chapter, as I finish tweaking them. I generally do not like to do this since I am not a linear writer (meaning I am all over the place when I write, going back and forward to change things) but this time I am "mostly finished" (as in "mostly dead" from the "Princess Bride").
2. Since the fic turned out so long I haven't finished tweaking the last parts yet, so I have decided, for the first time ever, to publish it chapter by chapter, as I finish tweaking them. I generally do not like to do this since I am not a linear writer (meaning I am all over the place when I write, going back and forward to change things) but this time I am "mostly finished" (as in "mostly dead" from the "Princess Bride").
So the header is below and the two first chapters are up here and the next one's can be anticipated within one-two weeks, starting today.

Title: Euphoria
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Euphoria – Vamps
Spoilers: -
Time frame: Ep. 17 (first meeting after three years)
Summary: What happened to the puppy you played with and cherished, that one day ran away, throwing away your affection. How did he survive on his own, has he grown in to the wolf you imagined and would he still remember you if you met again? Would you want him back to again cherish him? Or would you prefer to take your revenge on him for abandoning you without an explanation?
Excerpt: “Do you want to make me bleed for what I said then? Do you want to take your comfort in my pain for all the unforgivable things I have done, the people I have killed?”
Pairings: Baek Dong, Soo/Yeo Un, Yeo Un/Baek Dong Soo
Word count: ~13000
Rating: NC-17 (hardcore smut, angst, violence, some madness and fluff (if you squint) )
Warning: Not for the faint of heart cause I am going all out here...
Other: This is how the first meeting between Dong Soo and Un after three years apart should have been in ep. 17! Courtesy of Cherkell that gave me the idea of the brilliant scenario. Also this is the spiritual sequel to “Black Star”, however you can also read it on its own. Words in “bold” is original dialogue from series.
Thanks: to everyone who desired a “swap*”-fic. Thanks to nitsa where I nicked the phrase “Don't think too much, it's simple.” and to dfjules that I nicked the concept “from puppy to wolf” from.
*interchanging seme/uke rolls in the same fic

Title: Euphoria
Series: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Soundtrack: Euphoria – Vamps
Spoilers: -
Time frame: Ep. 17 (first meeting after three years)
Summary: What happened to the puppy you played with and cherished, that one day ran away, throwing away your affection. How did he survive on his own, has he grown in to the wolf you imagined and would he still remember you if you met again? Would you want him back to again cherish him? Or would you prefer to take your revenge on him for abandoning you without an explanation?
Excerpt: “Do you want to make me bleed for what I said then? Do you want to take your comfort in my pain for all the unforgivable things I have done, the people I have killed?”
Pairings: Baek Dong, Soo/Yeo Un, Yeo Un/Baek Dong Soo
Word count: ~13000
Rating: NC-17 (hardcore smut, angst, violence, some madness and fluff (if you squint) )
Warning: Not for the faint of heart cause I am going all out here...
Other: This is how the first meeting between Dong Soo and Un after three years apart should have been in ep. 17! Courtesy of Cherkell that gave me the idea of the brilliant scenario. Also this is the spiritual sequel to “Black Star”, however you can also read it on its own. Words in “bold” is original dialogue from series.
Thanks: to everyone who desired a “swap*”-fic. Thanks to nitsa where I nicked the phrase “Don't think too much, it's simple.” and to dfjules that I nicked the concept “from puppy to wolf” from.
*interchanging seme/uke rolls in the same fic
Oh! You don't even know how I've been waiting for this, like checking your blog constantly XD I read all 2 chapters, god you stopped on most interesting part *_* they're alone now, arrrrrr, I wanna read...anyways ignore my wining, I was just so happy you posted, I re-read the ones you posted several times already, I LOVE the way you write, I bet everybody keep telling you how awesome you are...what can I say, it's freaking true!! The beginning was beyond amazing (I like more dark Un here, he's HAWT!!), I dying here for continuation...*complete perv here can't wait to get to smut part*
ReplyDeleteHahaha, you make me laugh so hard! Thanks for praising me so lavishly (god I love being called awesome :D ). Yes, it was a strategic cliffhanger to maek you all suffer (just kidding...I actually didn't do it on purpose...I am still working on the other Chapters :P )
ReplyDeleteHahaha, so cuuuute...I can see jsut see you waving your hands in front of you trying too cool you down..
Deleteand I'm super happy you decided to have them swap positions I was the first to say and mention maybe they can do both positions HAHA well at Least I think I was
ReplyDeleteYes, actually I think you were the first albeit not the last ;)
DeleteI was thinking that by reading the summary that it is so like defjules pics of yeo un from puppy to wolf
ReplyDeleteYes, I loved the gifs she made of wolfie-Un-ah so I HAD to reuse them!
DeleteI want too ask will yeo un soften up eventually because I honestly was shock by this interpretation of him lol this was how he was supposed to be in the show before he became good again I know you won't want to give away any stuff but will he become more gentle I know you want to make it hardcore smut but I hope you'll also make him and dong soo more romantic too because I think romance can be brought with smut together I hope you'll make yeo un soften and end up in love with dong soo same for dong soo loving yeo un because I hope it won't be angry smut lol like just having sex out of anger I hope it will be passionate too as much as hard and smutty and sexy and hardcore lol but of course this is just my hopes you can write it however you want too because this is your fanfic and you get to decide however you want to do it I don't want to make you angry and annoyed or anything I hope I haven't offended I am just really curious as to how it will get to the smut because I hope dong soo and yeo un will end up falling in love cause I won't lie I love to read smut and just plain dirty smut but if the fic is having a plot I am a hopeless romantic lol I also I am curious will dong soo and yeo un *heheheheh* do any I don't know how to say this without being too dirty but will they do any foreplay *blushing blushing* before getting to the real position stuff lol I know I should of just said dirty stuff but I think it would be cool to read a fanfic with them where there doing foreplay *I know I know* (I didn't really need to use that word but I have no idea what other word to use lol) and I hope they'll do romantic and passionate kissing and of course swap positions which truthfully I will admit I'm looking forward to the position swapping the most lol but like I said completely up to you since this is yours I hope I haven't pressured or annoyed you in anyway I am just completely thankful I was wondering when you'll have your next one out HAHA and here it is YAY YAY
ReplyDeleteI am not gonna tell you aaaanything at are just gonna have to suffer until all the chapters are up (insert evil laughter here)...however if you would like romance then maybe this fic is not your cup of tea...but I am always full of fics for WBDS so sooner or later there will be romantic one's too.
DeleteHEHE OOOOOOOOOOOO I don't mind no romance at all just I hope dong soo and yeo un do love each other in the end lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't worry I already knew you weren't going to tell me lol ARGHHHHH THE TORMENT OF WAITING AND BEING PATIENT LOL
DeleteALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THE J ROCK BAND AND THE SONG I didn't even know that song euphoria was in the anime bakuman now listening to it and finding out the character who was singing it I vaguely remember it but it apparently was the japanese version any way ALSO I DIDN'T REALISE THE LEAD SINGER WAS HYDE lol I thought the voice sounded familiar lol,,,,, about this latest fanfic (I Know what your probably thinking too much questions maria!) lol but will this defo be only 7 chapters and no more only because I hope it won't be too long cause I'm dying for the hardcore passionate smut lol truthfully just thinking about the swap positions is getting me all hyped and excited lol and I really hope (well my most fear) is that it won't take too long for you to get the next chapters out because some people take months to get there next chapter out maybe even a year and some just abandon there fanfics and can't be bothered to finish them off *ahem cough cough* but I trust you alot when it comes to your fanfics that you won't leave us waiting too long and that you most certainly will not abandon it (I hope not anyway) and leave it unfinished BUT anyways I hope it won't be too long till all the rest of the chapters to be posted up anyways by the looks of this your taking it to the next level going out there more than any WARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO fanfic I have ever read what's cool about your WARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO fics is that I actually read the whole of it I won't lie usually when it comes to smut fanfics I like to skip through it and just get straight to the dirty smut I don't worry about plot cause I'm just that dirty-minded lol but with yours I read the whole of it I GUESS IT'S JUST BECAUSE IT'S WARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO lol xxxx
ReplyDeleteI absolutely adore Hyde! Everything he touches turns to gold...I should really use his music for more of my fanfics :D .
DeleteThank you for your confidence in me and my publishing skills. I will try my hardest to live up to the expectations!
AWWWWWWWW living up to the expectations so sweet I am thankful,,,, I haven't really heard any of hyde songs truthfully the only one I heard from him was cape of storms it's beautiful for the movie kagen no tsuki (I think thats what it's called) with chiaki kuriyama the movie kagen no tsuki is based off of the manga by ai yazawa who made the manga nana (I love nana watched the anime)
Deletehere's the song if interested:
Just found out from avafanfics that for her fanfic bringing us back to the beginning has now been bumped up to M rating she's decided to add sexual situations not outright pornography (don't think that was the right word to use maybe erotic?) truthfully I don't know what to think about this I'm curious as to how she's going to do it I mean if it was like an erotic fanfic or just sexual situations with dong soo and yeo un I of course don't mind I mean I read yours lol but this is a fanfic with dong soo, yeo woon AND JIN JU! unless she's deciding to make them do naughty things with each other
ReplyDelete*ahem cough threesome cough* if it's like that I really hope not but I guess that will make it more interesting,,,, and what does she mean by sexual situations hopefully it won't have rape in it or one of the characters being taken advantage of I really hope not of course I will still read her fanfic but if she is adding sexual situations that are still noticeable but subtle then (In my opinion) it takes away the whole point of the story which I think the whole point of the story is to go in depth more with yeo un and jin jus relationship and interactions since we already know by watching the show they don't have any proper interactions just more of an acknowledgement this fanfic was like a base for there relationship and also to handle and see from there point of view of there unrequited love for dong soo for both different reasons jin ju as we all know loves dong soo and yeo un has a deep unconditional love for him which doesn't have to be in a homosexual way (I love dong soo and yeo uns bromance lol) what do you think ta-meaut?
DeleteI have no idea how she is going to do it, but I know that I only write smut when I think the characters have a sparking chemistry, as if they didn't have a choice but to touch each other. Somehow Jin Ju doesn't have that with either Dong Soo nor Un-ah, so for me it would just be strange to have them in an explicit situation. However that is MY opinion only and I like to see how peoples minds work so I am eagerly anticipating to see how it will turn out.
DeleteI also love the bromance, and there doesn't have to be any smut at all included in that, it can be beautiful as it is.
I am very much anticipating avafanfics next chapters (and of course yours hehe) I am (like I said) very curious as to how she is going to do it I mean bromance does not have to have smut I know that very much but she said that she's going to have sexual situations not downright porn but (that's what makes me confused) I don't know much truthfully about fanfics but I would of thought if your going to do a fanfic with sexual situations it would be full blown on porn (well more like smut I don't really like to use the word porn lol) Unless it would be more sexual and erotic subtle moments instead of full blown in your face explicit smut I mean it if was full blown hot dirty sex, smut between dong soo and yeo un I of course don't mind (why do you think I read your fanfics because I just admittedly love dong soo and yeo un sex lol) but with jin ju I am just so curious as to how this fanfic will go I was honestly really surprised when I found hot she bumped it to M rating (well actually I don't care about the age rating I never pay attention to the rating lol) but adding sexual situations with jin ju In the story I mean I why change it so suddenly I thought the story was supposed to be more to do with yeo un and jin jus unrequited love for dong soo I mean why add sexual situations but I do find this incredibly interesting I cannot wait to see how she's going to do it but with jin ju in the story and sexual situations I'm not sure but I do love this fanfic so I will continue the story I mean it's completely up to avafanfics it's hers after all lol
DeleteAhhh, amazing, as always!
ReplyDeleteYou leave it at the most interesting part!!! Whyyyy? >_<
I can't even begin to express how happy I am to see this post! It was well worth the wait.
Like I said before, I love your smooth writing style, realistic and almost palpable emotions portrayed so far.
I wish I had your talent for writing. *O*
Please be nice and update soon, don't leave me hanging. *puppy-dog eyes*
- Priscylla ;)
Thanks! I am so happy you felt it was worth the wait, just hope the rest of the fic will be worth it too.
DeleteI am going to update as soon as I have finished the next chapter so don't worry - I don't like cliffhangers either.
I agree with priscylla don't leave us hanging for too long that's most deepest worry cause some people take months to update or some just don't finish it at all so please I am dying I can't wait I hope in the next 5 chapters will have different kind of smuts in lol(not bondage although that would be interesting if yeo un did decide to tie up dong soo and do whatever he wanted same for dong soo to punish yeo un for being a bad boy lol I apologize for being a bit too explicit lol) anyways looking forward to your next chapters I hope it will have a happy ending and that dong soo and yeo un will end up together and yeo un ditches houksa chorong I also hope yeo un will become nicer and fall in love with dong soo lol in this fanfic I can tell dong soo loves yeo un (well I think anyway) hopefully yeo un will feel the same way about dong soo
DeleteI was so happy this morning to see you've posted the first two chapters of the sequel. I was nearly late for work because I wanted to read it before I went. Nice to see that after all those three years apart the connections are still there. I think any supressed emotions have just been re-awoken ^_^. It's great to see you blending your own story with the original. It makes everything more realistic. Now that they are alone, please tell me the next chapter will be full of angst and smut. I can't wait to see what they have to say to each other.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your engrossing writing style. I'm so glad you are part of this fandom.
p.s.: I loled a bit when Un-ah was refering to In. I could see your own dislike towards In through Yeo Un's words.
Gaaah, yes if you want angst and smut then this fic is for you, although they won't be speaking that much (wink, wink...nosebleed...).
DeleteAh, yes In the rat, actually I identified with Un-ah very much in this fic so I guess a lot of me went into him here (in other parts too...blush...)
ooooooooooo angst and smut I don't worry too much about angst I just go all full blown on the smut yum yum yummy yummy yum lol and wow they won't be speaking much because there full on in the dirty action lol (I am determined to say in this fanfic that dong soo and yeo un are in love with each other you can disagree if you'd like but I believe in this fanfic and of course your other dong soo and yeo un fics there in love lol)
DeleteAnother thing.
ReplyDeleteThe same question. Can I post it on tumblr?
Help yourself, as Eddie Izzard would say! (No really, please help yourself, cutie...)
Deleteoooooooooo I was just about to say eys anaapenas post it on your dongsooslashyeoun tumblr page I get all the warrior baek dong soo fics but of course only if THE TA-MEAUT doesn't mind and gives you permission to
Delete@Anaapenas Just realised that you should probably add that the fic is incomplete for your Tumblr and that more chapters are coming - I didn't write it in the header and I guess people could be confused otherwise.
DeleteI looked @anaapenas did hehe x
DeleteGreat! Thanks!
DeleteHow can you leave me hanging like that? I was on the edge of my seat. You're killing me with the cliffhangers.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I want to read the next chapter asap, I will wait as much as you need. I know it will be worth it.
Great to know this fic turned out to be ENORMOUSLY. Long fics are my favorite.
Thanks for reading Tansan! and thanks for your faith in the next chapters :D hopefully I will live up to your expectations.
Deleteyes I'm sure you will your a very talented writer
Deletehere's the latest chapter for avafanfics I loved it nothing sexual happened in it so yh here it is if interested:
ReplyDeleteI really loved how she did the ending (SPOILERS!!!) with the painting and all and they way she changed yeo un and ji sun's scene from ep 26 to yeo un and dong soo instead (even though I admittedly loved that scene of yeo un and ji sun) but anyway that's besides the point the picture that dong soo paints sounds amazing I love how avafanfics likes to use things that were in the show that weren't talked much about for example avafanfics is using dong soo, yeo un and JIN JU also with the painting avafanfics is using the skills dong soo had in ep 7 in the show when dong soo paints him and ji sun
*ahem yeo un cough cough* anyways ways when I saw that scene of dong soo painting I always wondered where the hell did he learn hot to paint lol and avafanfics uses one of dong soo's supposed skills that were never mentioned much in the show so yh lol
Yes, that is a writers do what you like!
Deleteyh that is true but (like I said before) I always wondere when did dong soo learn how to paint lol
ReplyDeleteUh oh... my ears were burning so badly this time that they turned crispy!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy Dearest, I bow humbly and deeply in your general direction... I am as happy as a clam that I could contribute in the slightest way towards your latest tome. I have yet to start any of the chapters, as I am under the mothers of all deadlines right now and will be for the next few days and can't afford even the slightest diversion (no matter how tempting). But I'm sure I will be squeeeeeeeeing with delight once I crack them open!! ;)
And LOL to the Eddie Izzard comment - I just saw him up in SF on the 25 January. Love the man -- I laughed my ass off as always. Good times...
No probs! I know the terror of deadlines...I just hope that you will find the fic worthy of your scenario...(squirming like the worm I am...)
DeleteI love Eddie I wish I could have gone and seen his show when he was here...