Picture from POPV edited by me
I am ending my rant-poll about In, since I am now over my irritation of this character. Instead I am now feeling almost a serene joy of seeing this character (mostly because he is so ridiculous). also since most of you agreed with me :D proving I am right (as always...evil smirk) :
72% agreed with ME on the uselessness of In
27% should obviously be spanked for thinking In is interesting (OK, OK, he IS funny....I admit it...and some of you might enjoy me spanking you and therefore answered like you did, knowing I would punish you in pleasurable ways...)
Lets move on, guys...
"Instead of getting stabbed in the heart by the person Un-ah loved the most, should he just have said F%#K this S#%T, grabbed Dong Soo and made him his bride...and gone on a steamy honeymoon." (last part added courtesy of Priscylla)
or in short:
"Did you like the ending of Warrior Baek Dong Soo?"
I admit that this will probably be a biased poll since all of us in this fandom would prefer this ending, but just indulge me as the BOSS I am...
Reason for this poll is that I stumbled across some disturbing people recently who actually thought the ending was good?!? (Yes, I know, there are seriously ill people out there...)
LOL, actually there is already one person who voted for yes XD It wasn't me of course, I kinda agree they should just forget about ratings and made Dong Soo run away with Yeo Un...that'd be the best ending ever...
ReplyDelete'there are seriously ill people out there...'
I was LOL-ing, you should write that next to "...yes..." in the poll XD
Btw agreed about In too, he deserved to die even later on...
Yes, I know - isn't it scary? I put up this poll just for fun assuming everyone would jsut agree with me but alas, there is already one person who disagrees - what I would like to know is WHY IN THE NAME OF GREYSKULL do they think its a good ending?!?
DeleteEven if you don't ship DSxYU this was NOT a good ending! For crying out loud, even super straight guys with homophobia can admit this...sigh...argh..ok I am just gonna wait this poll out to see how many more thinks its a good ending...then I will write a humongous rant about it ;) trashing them all...
IN should of died because in the end he had no purpose was the cat with the nine lives but everything in did he failed at trying to kill gwang taek, dong soo everyone else and seriously he died by beeing redeemed he should of just bee killed by gwang taek from the start when we first saw him lol He did make me laugh though lol now the ending to WBDS I liked it but didn't like it so basically I have mixed views on it I loved the first half when dong soo and yeo un were together and were trying to be friends again and go back to the way they were at first then it last half came In I am soooooooooooooooooooooo pi***d off when they finally had a chance to make it all better they went and did that F***k this s**t sorry for my terrible language lol just annoyed with the ending
ReplyDeletebut ta-meaut@ I know this is a stupid reason but have you ever thought that that one person who has said they liked the ending simply to annoy you I mean you never know that person might actually hate the ending too but decides to say he/she likes it to see what you say lol
ReplyDeleteYes, the thought entered my mind but unfortunately for them they cannot annoy me the slightest - because I firmly believe everyone has a right to their opinions. I would just like to know WHY they think its a good ending.
DeleteWhen do you plan to post a new DongSooxUn fic? is it gonna take long?
ReplyDeletehmm...don't really have a schedule...maybe...maybe not...don't know...could be tomorrow...would be in a month...hard to say...
DeleteQuality don't work under pressure, so you will just have to wait impatiently until my mind is made up, but thanks for asking.
in a month... in a year. I get it. Sorry for pressuring you. I hope I will keep my interest in them for that long.
DeleteGood luck lasting longer than a month...
DeleteI've just noticed something the person in the poll that said I liked the ending has now changed vote hmmmmm interesting
ReplyDeleteYes I also noticed that...very curious indeed...
DeleteUh oh... my ears were burning all the way over in Shimoda!! You guys weren't cursing me for being on Team In now, were yas? Should I line up for my spanking now? :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteTa-meaut dahling, sorry I haven't checked in for awhile, but I've had really spotty internet the last half of my trip, especially at the onsen I'm now staying at. So hi (*waves*) and I TOTALLY APPROVE of this month's poll. Maybe the absolutely messed-up deranged person who voted "yes" accidentally hit that button when they meant otherwise. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :)
Be back to the 'real world' later this week. Stay warm in the meantime!
Cherk, my cherk, yes I was cussing and spitting at you while sharpening my whip to spank you bloody (just joking...I love that you love In :P ), because I know you would loooove that!
DeleteIts fine, I have also taken some recreation over christmas adn now work is outrageously thick so I will slowly go back to keep writing on my next DSxYU fic(s).
Great you approve of my poll! I rewatched the entire WBDS over xmas and then I finally got enough of the ending - it really sucks fat...
ReplyDeletehere's another new mv by martyna267 I love her work especially the editing hope you enjoy I know I did
Thanks for the tip!
DeleteThis question is more relevant : "Instead of getting stabbed in the heart by the person Un-ah loved the most, should he just have said F%#K this S#%T, grabbed Dong Soo and made him his bride."
ReplyDeleteOh hell yeah!!! And they should have a honeymoon too! :P
- Priscylla ;)
Oh yeah! I am gonna add that to the question!
DeleteHAHAHA YH THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME have you guys seen the mv where dong soo and yeo un are married lol it's so cute and sweet
DeleteYes, I have seen it but it would be great if it was subbed. It was soooo cuuuute.
DeleteWhich MV are you talking about?
Delete- Priscylla ;)
this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVrEckrCcNg&list=PL784D244D63F6C805&index=42&feature=plpp_video
DeleteOMG! This is so adorable and funny at the same time. XDDD
Ta- Meaut, can you tell me your name please? Ta-Meaut is not your real name, right? o.o''
- Priscylla ;)
You are welcome!
DeleteTrue, Ta-Meaut is my alias, however I have decided not to give out my real name because I use this blog to vent all my secrets and desires. I like to have somewhere I can go and just be me without any pretense, write exactly what I like and hang out with people who won't judge me based on anything else than what I want to show. So hope you are not too disappointed... ;)
I'm not disappointed at all. I fully understand where you're coming from. ^^
ReplyDelete"Ta-Meaut" is kind of hard for me to remember and write... Is it okay if I just call you "Ta" from now on? It's much easier.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
- Priscylla ;)
Sure, do as you like, you can use tameaut, meaut or ta or maybe tm...
Deleteor as they say "beloved child has many names"...
I very much understand where your coming from too I like too differentiate talking online and talking too my personal friends but I'm okay with using my name just not full name for personal reasons
ReplyDeleteWell this is an easy one. I don't think anybody would like the ending if they even care for Woon just a little bit. But I can also see how some people would think that it's a good ending. It's a realistic scenarios, albeit badly and sloppily set up- good people don't always prevail, and a lot of times they have to pay dearly for the mistakes they made.
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't think the ending was any good, it probably achieved its purpose: to make Woon an unforgettable character for many of us.
Hmm...lets get one thing straight as laser beam here...I am completely and utterly convinced that their is nothing realistic about the drama WBDS at all, so to have a "realistic" ending is ridiculous...
DeleteThey could have done anything they wanted so why not a "realistic" good ending then?
also...does Un-ah really need to die to be an unforgettable character?
DeleteTa-Meaut: sadly I'm not one of the producers so I won't be able to answer your first question. I don't know what they were smoking when they wrote the last episode. But it had to be pretty bad :\
DeleteAs for your second question, it is a yes, for me. Had Woon lived, I would have been content with the drama and moved on to a new one in no time; and I could have been happier that way too. The fact that he dies keeps me hung up on his story. It's sad, it's tragic (albeit kinda unnecessary), and it's unfair. I found myself thinking about Yeo Woon and what could have been for him all the time. All the freaking time. And when I said an ending is unforgettable, I strictly mean "unforgettable", I don't mean it's good or bad, it just means "I cannot get it out of my mind"
true, true, I guess its like me and my In obsessions - sometimes the things that tick you off stays...
Deletezuanie@ I very much agree like someone mentioned (can't remember maybe on tumblr) that it does make it an unforgettable ending I have mixed views on it myself I like the first half well more like first quarter this ending to me I kinda new would happen when I first watched the series I kept thinking about what would be the outcome of the ending what would happen will yeo un die and honestly as much as this is painful to say I in some ways knew this would happen at the start of the series but then as going through the series and watching every ep I began to have high hopes he wouldn't die I was getting hop after each ep that he wouldn't die and ep 28 and the first quarter of the last ep gave me hope too,,,,, but as much as painful too say I knew it was going to happen in a way like zuanie@ said the ending had a purpose which was too make it more unforgettable I mean if it had a happy ending it might of been less memorable (don't get me wrong I wanted it to have a happy ending the ending I wanted to happen anyway lol) but have you guys ever thought that maybe the writers planned this from the start I mean you never know from the very beginning they may of planned that yeo un would die to make it more memorable and to make us angry and to think (just my opinion anyway)
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree that because of the ending their is so much more anguish that we can revel, write about and rant about. It sure creates tension between DS and YU knowing one will give his life for the other.
DeleteI am not against Un-ah dying for Dong Soo, what I didn't like is the reasoning and how Cho Rip suddenly changed personality from one episode to the other. It is very obvious to me that they had problems getting the end to work after getting the extension for four more episodes, so they just went all out and created a completely incomprehensible ending.
and do we really need death to remember things? I think love and friendship is more memorable - look at Sungkyunkwan, no deaths there and the series (according to me) is amazing...
Maria, that's what I meant in my previous post. And I pretty much felt the same way you did. Every time I watched episode 28, I thought it was over for them. No more fighting, no more killing. Un could come back to Dong Soo now. And the ending and how they chose to go with it threw me off. Some of my friends said they expected Woon's death from the very beginning; but they were also dumbfounded at how it happened. We all begrudge Cho Rip, the producers (whoever came up with that sh*tty closing) but, sometimes in our less anguished mood, we agreed that the ending is what keeps us coming back to Yeo Woon and Dong Soo's story. In my country there is this saying, love is beautiful when it's left unfinished; since that love doesn't have a chance to grow to its fullest, it becomes haunting and unforgettable. Having said so, I still don't mean the ending is good, it's just unforgettable.
Deleteyes @zuanie I agree very much wow what a nice saying in your country,,, it is very true in my opinion anyway
DeleteTa-meaut I do very much agree with you but I do find death far more memorable but for me I just want everything to have a happy ending but in some ways I agree with zuanie@ on it being a realistic ending but also not realistic warrior baek dong soo isn't really supposed to be realistic anyway but after all the pain yeo un caused to everyone and all that he done I mean think about let's just say he did come back yh and was with everyone I don#'t think they would of been able to forgive him straight away it would take time or they may not forgive him anyway what made me sad about yeo un is compared to everyone he suffered the most all the pain everyone else felt was nothing compared to yeo un's he was the most misunderstood character that nobody really knew what he was doing nobody understood in my opinion not even dong soo understood in the end I think yeo un went so much into his destiny and fate that in the end he couldn't escape it and if he did and did come back I personally think that it would never be quite the same again
ReplyDeleteI actually read two very interesting fanfics by avafanfics
ReplyDeletethe fanfic is about dong soo and yeo un and jin ju very surprisingly and I loved it the reason why I love it because (it in my opinion) delves deeper into the relationship of yeo un and jin ju I mean as we all know by watching the series yeo un and jin ju don't have much interaction in fact they don't hardy at all I think out of the show there was only like one scene of them altogether and one when they were kids it makes me think though why couldn't the love triangle been dong soo and jin ju and yeo un instead of with ji sun it would have been so much more interesting (in my opinion anyway) I always wondered why didn't yeo un and jin ju have any interaction at all in some ways it was better they didn't because then if they did I might of shipped them together lol maybe someone can answer that question for me of why they didn't really have any interactions I mean technically dong soo, yeo un and jin ju were like the three besties before cho rip came along????????????????
here's avafanfics tumblr:
what made me really think while reading both fanfics is that how hypocritical and judgemental people are like when jin ju was saying how evil yeo un is I was think while reading it you know nothing of yeo un yes yeo un has done some bad things that can be understandable why people would hate him but it made me think how judgemental they are It's like you know nothing of his past for you to be judgemental you know nothing about him maybe if they knew his past and childhood they would understand more about him and why he chose that evil fate
ReplyDeletehere's chapter 3 to avafics warrior baek dong soo fic http://avafanfics.tumblr.com/post/16140410032/bringing-us-back-to-the-beginning-3
ReplyDeleteI really love how this fanfic is coming along it's really nice especially the interaction between yeo un and jin ju I mean from the series they hardly have interaction at all so I think this fanfic is coming along nicely
Thanks for the tip - I will have a look at them when I am not writing. It is very true that people can be very hypocritical, especially when then don't know themselves very well. It is easy to blame others for your faults.
DeleteYh which is what made me realise by the series I read a very interesting blogsite bu anicabyss she said something very interesting stated something interesting about yeo un's death she/he said that while cho rip wanted him to be killed off that those people who wanted to kill him off are just the same she/he said how is that any different to staining your own hands with blood by killing yeo un there all the same and I very much agree with anicabyss in a way there all hypocrites anyway he's wear you can read it to fully understand what I was trying to write http://anicabyss-dramazone.blogspot.com/2011/10/thoughts-warrior-baek-dong-soo-korean_25.html
ReplyDeleteExactly! Suddenly Cho Rip decides to become the grim reaper himself to kill off any threat - it is hilarious and a typical ooc for him.
DeleteTRUE but I blame the writers it just shows though how much a character can change through there progression but honestly I thought it was idiotic for the writers to come up with something absurd like that cho rip never was mean't to be like that but of course I can't really say that because maybe the writers were intending this to happen from start to end but cho rip was supposed to be bubbly and the more mature one out of dong soo and yeo un in the end I reckon all the characters became bland even jin ju I mean dong soo totally lost his spunk completely he became too mature well actually more than that he became more like the more expressive ji sun now I'm not saying that to be offensive but that's what he became I mean there was hardly any fun in him anymore he was never that childish adorable guy we know I mean even though he did become mature they could of had little moments where he became childish again lol it was like they made him into a completely different person anicabyss stated this her/his self