Sunday, January 1, 2012

Updated statistics for "In" and Merry Xmas/Happy New Years

Over Xmas I have re-watched the entire "Warrior Beak Dong Soo" for one purpose only (nooo, not only "that" - blush...) : To see if "In" has any redeeming characteristics at all.

Here is my updated list of happenings:

Gross licking of sword 5
Insane chuckle 35
Lost body parts 2
Burnt to a crisp 2
Ridiculous phrases 21
Stabbed in gut 1
Gritting his teeth 3
Exploded 1
Hilarious screams 26
Escaping certain death 8
Out-of-character behaviour 13

Redeeming points 1

Conclusion: He managed to catch my attention thus far, which is not bad for me and I will certainly remember the character however I still think he was of no use what-so-ever in the series since all he did they could have been done without him.

The one redeeming point for me is irrelevant since I do not seriously believe that a guy like him who was famous for gutting gisaeng and stabbing people in the back would actually change over night because Dong Soo pitied him once and a kid gave him a rice-cracker (yes, call me cynical...I like it...).

Otherwise I hope you all had as good Xmas and New Years as me with smut-overflow and lots of nekkid boys...


  1. Happy New Year to you too...all blessings to you ♥
    Agree with every conclusion word actually...and you've done so much work only for In O_O but I bet you were watching WBDS for boys too XD

  2. Hey! Thanks a lot, chingu! Yeah, I should really let it go and make stats on the sizzling chemistry between Un-ah and Dong Soo instead, however I just go all gooey and start drooling when they show up on screen so I never manage to count them :P .

    and yes, In is just a sad, sad excuse to go squealy fangirl over Dong Soo's killer smile and Un-ah's killer eyes...

  3. HAHA your stats are so right lol,,,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 I'M WISHING YOU A GREAT ONE and i also hope you ahd an awesome christmas here's it's january 1st,,,,,,,I look forward to reading your next WARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO fanfic hopefully smutty hehe any ways I also have been looking through warrior baek dong soo eps fangirling I got the series for christmas HEHE

  4. Hey! Thanks a lot, right back at you and lucky you who got the series for Xmas...Good watching! Maybe you can make some fun stats over our boys if you are going to rewatch "number of times Un-ah flips his hair" or "number of times they had skinship"...could be fun!

  5. HAHA maybe but not sure i got time now to watch all the episodes but don't worry about the whole hair flip thing i saw an mv called woon whips his hair lol that pretty much covered it hehe but i will keep that in mind to make stats HAHA when i watch it fully

  6. A bit late to the "In" poll but OH MY had so much fun reading your comments about that character. LOLed when you mentioned his compulsive sword-licking. Love your sense of humour. Just like the majority I've voted Yes. His character could have been a likable individual if wasn't for the ep. 22. I'm still trying to erase that beating scene from my mind. I was so angry with the Drama for even making a scene like that. I was almost killing him myself. ARGH I can't stand seeing a woman being treated like that. Sorry for the rant.

    I admit that I've laughed a few times with his weird face expressions but all in all I think he wasn't an essetial character. Tbh what has kept interested in the Drama were Dong Soo, Yeo Woon and the Chun's story. I wish they could release extra scenes of these characters. I miss them so much, but I'm glad we have fics like yours that make the longing more bearable.

    I hope you haven't given up on writing DS/YW stories. ^_^

  7. i agree with you anaapenas@ about in he wasn't an essential character but i still found myself being by his insane laugh and crazy facial expressions,,,, and I so agree about jin ju I hate women being treated like that I mean cmon jin ju is supposed to be the badass female like ga ok she's supposed to fight back so yhhhh

  8. Hi Anaapenas! Thanks for voting! Its gonna be interesting to see how many more actually likes the character - even cherkell thought he was redeemeable so I feel more assured now that you are backing me up in the opposite ;) .

    Yeah, just the Jin Ju beating scene in ep. 22 is enough for me to not make him redeemeable for a ricecracker...I so agree with you...

    Don't worry I am still writing so my nails are falling off but I had some "research" time now in Xmas to make it even smuttier...I feel a strong responisiblity to relieve the community of its sexual frustrations...and mine...

    By the way you lucky beatch, saw that you got a smut video dedicated you from deserve it creating our glorious DSxYW-community! Congrats! (and congrats to nerjaveika who always manages to blow me out of my socks with her editing...gorgeous insinuative :D )

  9. yes I agree i was honestly annoyed by what the writers did in the end making in redeemeable after all the hell he has put our characters through,,,, wait which mv is this your talking about do you mean the dong soo and yeo un roses vid by xnerjaveikax yh that one is awesome any ways looking forward to your next WBDS fanfic

  10. So happy that you are still writing! I keep re-reading your last fic coz I LOVE it so much. I come here everyday just to see if you've posted a new one. ^_^

    I'm really lucky hehehe When I saw the vid I couldn't believe that Nerjaveika dedicated it to me. She is SO talented. If wasn't for her I would never know about this amazing pairing. Her vids and your fics fills my mind with perv thoughts lol Seriously yesterday I couldn't stop thinking of DS and Un-ah's seme and uke positions. *facepalm* OMO what have you guys done to my life?!

  11. LOL @anaapenas i can't stop thinking about that either them switching HAHA but i like thinking dirty when it comes to them

  12. Hahaha, yeah you guys are just as guilty as we are...reading and watching like the little fans you are...

    Although I find my life very much enrichened by all this smut :D ! Life gets so much more interesting then...

  13. HAHA lol ta-meaut have you seen xnerjaveikax new mv slash crack one it is ultimately hilarious lol it had me laughing especially when she added songs like i'm sexy and i know it and she put in justin beibers baby (truthfully i don't like justin beiber i can't take him seriously i can't take his songs seriously) lol but i found it funny when xnerjaveikax used a bit of his song for her mv lol but one thing that really had me cracking up was kenzo i mean it's like xnerjaveikax reads my mind cause when i saw ep 28 and yeo un was with kenny and dong soo runs after them i was thinking if you put it in a boy slash boy way it's like kenzo wants yeo un lol g
    GOD i'm happy she also used a bit of the veronicas untouched song i love it and find it sexy I WANT A FULL MV WITH THAT SONG LOL

  14. also another good mv that had me amused (not quite as funny as xnerjaveikax but amusing) is the saminis revenge one basically ji sun loves dong soo and wants him but dong soo loves yeo un so ji sun wants revenge and wants to kill yeo un lol

    GOD THIS IS WHY I LOVE WARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO YOU CAN SHIP ANYBODY LOL dong soo and yeo un are my second or third fave couple when i think about something dirty LOL and when i'm more serious i'll ship yeo un with ji sun lol dong soo with ji sun NO WAYYYYYYYYYYYY lol

  15. Thanks for the tip - I hadn't seen these videos and man, they are great! I laughed so hard I fell off my bed.

    I have now added them to my playlist of WBDS in my channel.

    1. Good hehe also I am very glad you posted up on your blog hehe now people who aren't aware for the drama or the bromance can check it out hehe
