Picture from POPV edited by me
I am ending my rant-poll about In, since I am now over my irritation of this character. Instead I am now feeling almost a serene joy of seeing this character (mostly because he is so ridiculous). also since most of you agreed with me :D proving I am right (as always...evil smirk) :
72% agreed with ME on the uselessness of In
27% should obviously be spanked for thinking In is interesting (OK, OK, he IS funny....I admit it...and some of you might enjoy me spanking you and therefore answered like you did, knowing I would punish you in pleasurable ways...)
Lets move on, guys...
"Instead of getting stabbed in the heart by the person Un-ah loved the most, should he just have said F%#K this S#%T, grabbed Dong Soo and made him his bride...and gone on a steamy honeymoon." (last part added courtesy of Priscylla)
or in short:
"Did you like the ending of Warrior Baek Dong Soo?"
I admit that this will probably be a biased poll since all of us in this fandom would prefer this ending, but just indulge me as the BOSS I am...
Reason for this poll is that I stumbled across some disturbing people recently who actually thought the ending was good?!? (Yes, I know, there are seriously ill people out there...)