Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pillow Book "nyctalopia"

At crepuscule I slowly start to go blind.
The sky is still light but the rest of the world turns to shadows for me as my vision starts fading in the edges.
Then, when the sun vanishes completely, I cannot even see shadows anymore. It is all like black velvet enveloping me, triggering my other senses.

When my vision goes, my inner eye opens.

1 comment:

  1. now this one is really confusing for me this is like saying like looking at the world from your inner self see things differently instead of just visionary it reminds me of when I watch horrors if a person was watching it with me they would think this was horrible like if my friend was watching and asian horror and theres the creep girl with long black hair my friend would probably say WTF but I wouldn't say that I'd only be fascinated because of asian culture I see thing differently and this poem reminds me that seeing things differently also like the saying eyes of a child children are inncent and they see the world as a beautiful and mysterious place
