Title: Connections I: Coward
Series: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens
Soundtrack: Coward: Hayden Calnin
Spoilers: Yes
Time frame: End of movie
Summary: True freedom can only be taken by those have been chained, true love has to be given freely, abundantly, overflowing, expecting nothing in return and true peace can only come to those who are not cowards.
Excerpt: “He wanted to linger on it but he almost didn’t have the energy anymore to marvel at the idea of his heart laid so bare. Did Hux know this? Had Hux seen this before, this vibration travelling though the ribbons? Did he feel it? Would he feel it when they would fade. Would he feel the last... thump?”
Pairings: Hux/Kylo Ren
Word count: ~2500
Rating: ()
Warning: deathfic?
Other: This is a stand-alone “continuation” of metropolitanlights exquisite “Coloured Connections” - it is advisable to read it first since the concept of “connections” is not explained in this fic”.
Thanks: Thank you metropolitanlights for your amazing idea and fic! Poem from Miguel de Unamuno, also thanks to neurovicky whose Tumblr prompt “too late” made my demons sing in tune. Dialogue in italics is from “Coloured Connections”. Also I have found inspiration to my writings all over Tumblr and I can't even remember half of it, so if you recognise anything (within reason) and want to be credited just let me know._______________________________________________________