Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pillow Book "I am IV"

to be able to sail your sea of hope,
you have to explore your ocean of fear


  1. WOW another powerful touching poem It reminds me of because hope is so beautiful and good it's like gently sailing and fear is sooooo big lika vast ocean and when we have just a little bit of hope we have to sail the see to get to it

    1. Thank you so much for reading all my poems and appreciating them. I really am happy if some of them can inspire hope to people.

    2. yep I've been ages commenting on your stuff because I want to read all your works so yh but leaving the fanfics of sungkyunkwan scandle only because I haven't seen the show yet and waiting to read your fics on them until after I eventually watch it only because if I watch it before I read your fanfics I may be able to understand it more lol

    3. Sounds like a good plan - my fanfics won't be as interesting unless you know the characters.

    4. True True but I believe that counts to most fanfics HAHA but the smutty one's I admit I sometimes just skip it all and go straight to the dirty action admittedly I don't bother about story and plot when it comes to smut lol

    5. hmm...I think I am the opposite here...smut doesn't interest me unless there is a context to spice it up.
