Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Poem "trying so very hard"

for it is light now, here in this world where I live
yet I linger in darkness of my own choice
for I am afraid to show myself
the self that might not ever become better
than what I am right now

despite my best effort

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poem "it is dark now"

I am the darkness that suffocate
bright white light

I am the screams that echo
from mute broken walls

I am the pain and the blood
unheard and unseen
that breaks your ribs from within
and eats your rotting heart

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I have awesome fans!

Just got a message from a fan that loved my "Euphoria: Honeythief" and was so inspired she made a video clip for a collaboration.

Dongsoo_Yeo Un // My Parts for 'Black Paradise' Collab

This is the ultimate cool - to inspire someone!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Flowers that bloom...

Just watched "School 2013" on the advice of Anaapenas and was blown away by this profound poem of  Do Jong Hwan;
흔들리지 않고 피는 꽃이 어디 있으랴
이 세상 그 어떤 아름다운 꽃들도
다 흔들리면서 피었나니
흔들리지 않고 가는 사랑이 어디 있으랴
젖지 않고 피는 꽃이 어디 있으랴
이 세상 그 어떤 빛나는 꽃들도
다 젖으며 젖으며 피었다니
바람과 비에 젖으며 꽃잎 따뜻하게 피웠나니
젖지 않고 가는 삶이 어디 있으랴
(translation follows from instantstogether with slight correction from me)
Where is the flower that blooms without being shaken?
Any of the beautiful flowers of this world
all bloom while being shaken
They shake on stems that grow upright
Where is the love that goes without shaking?
Where is the flower that blooms without being rained upon?
Any of the shining flowers of this world
bloom as they are soaked
Soaked by wind and rain, petals bloom warmly
Where is the life that goes without being soaked?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

%&# Google+ - My YouTube account got deleted

Sorry my lovely minions. My YouTube account got deleted - probably from having to much smut and slash.
All my videos and all my subscriptions are now buried in cyberspace - R.I.P.

I have a new Channel here however I think I won't upload anything from now on since Google has messed everything up with their Stalinistik way of forcing everyone to have a Google+ account and cross connecting stuff like gmail and blogger. (Can't have that, Heaven forbid you would find out who I really am....)

If you need to contact me do so on the new channel or here: tameaut (at) yahoo.com

Free speech and free thought, not to mention free love...to all

Thursday, October 24, 2013

LC9 beating the crap out of eachother

Who doesn't like boys beating up each other like they were made of titanium...Yes, whack that sucker...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Falling Earth

Creacon 2013 was awesome this time - get ready to have your mind blown out by these ass-kicking  videos, such as NR 1: Falling Earth.

The other winners are awesome too...to be seen here: Creacon playlist YouTube